[quote=@Savato] You kind of said the only way to beat her is to constantly lock her up in something. That's barely a way to beat her. Lol Well yeah people were allowed to auto-hit her because otherwise Potato would have kicked her out pronto. I mean there's no consequence to her losing these battles either. If she wasn't forced to be dicking around she'd win every fight lol [/quote] I could complain about the same thing with your char having an instant one hit kill on every other character in the RP that wasn't Light but I didn't complain about that now did I? Because I'd hope that you'd be moderate in evreything but if you wanna play that card your char is also one thats gotta go on the chopping block, and unlike mine, yours has no real weakness while mine gets wrecked if she gets hit by a boa or anything Batman uses.