[color=f7941d] “Hmmmm....”[/color] Was all Karen said at first when the woman interrupted her. It was obvious she was another Consano candidate... probably one that arrived too late after all of them had went to bed, so she was probably going to try talk to Sir Chester and Lady Buxton about joining now. It wasn't a bad plan, and considering they were already shorthanded for such expedition another fighting hand would have been of quite the help. This one had the body of a fighter, seemed also accustomed to holding and wearing a sword. The woman seemed experienced enough to be of help in this expedition. Besides they had the priest who didn't know jack about fighting with the sword he carried and they most likely also were going to take that weak looking woman, who probably was a doctor. [color=f7941d]“Tell me then, do you start searching for the herbs for preparing the medical compresses after a person is already wounded and bleeding? Or are you starting to forage for proper ingredients for tea everyday in a hostile land? The more north we go the less chances for forage will be present. Not to mention the plague is spreading through body liquids. There are herbs that are needed at the ground... what if we made a bandage with herbs that were coated with a plague victim's blood at some point without us knowing?!” [/color]Karen stated as she was preparing her own horse.[color=f7941d]” Besides things such as herbs and dried fruits should be bought in advance as they make fine addition to food. Expedition like this one should keep morale up, no better way to do that than a good tasty meal every now and then.”[/color] She replied her reasons for asking if those things were going to be prepared in advance. She had already bought a small amount of different herbs and dried fruits, but she had nowhere near enough to provide enough for the whole expedition for even one round of bandages or meal.