Christa giggled even more so when she saw Miles cross his eyes to look down his snout. She did indeed quite like her new partner. She just felt so comfortable around him. She thought with all the stories she had heard about the K-9 division that he would make her feel guilty or just plain awful for being a human being. She just hoped that she could prove to him that not all humans are douches. As she saw him attempting to get all the sticky sauce off of his furry hands she smiled and handed him a few wet wipes, she always carried them in case. She was prone to getting something spilled on her or something food related on her hands. Christa giggled once again as he joked about him humping her leg. Then when he got serious, she stopped. She listened and thought for a moment. She wasn't sure how much to tell him. This could be a good time to sort of really get to know one another. Christa sighed and gave a kind of a sad look. "Well... Where to start really..." She said softly as she gathered her thoughts. "Well, when I was born, my father wasn't able to get to the birth. He was in the army, he worked with K-9 Anthros. Anyway, as my dad was away, my mothers neighbors offered to lend a helping hand. She too was pregnant, her husband was a car accident just weeks before she was to give birth.. Oh by the way, our neighbors were an Anthro family. Remember I mentioned a Lop Eared Rabbit, Ruby? Well, that was her family. So Ruby was born about a month before I was. My mother was her labor partner as she had just lost her husband to an accident. Then vice versa she was my mother labor partner. So Ruby and I were often ant each others houses. Of course we were babies so didn't really know much. My dad didn't come back until I was one year old. When he came back he was a usual dad, he played with me and Ruby, he was her father figure just as much as he was mine. We all sort of became one family. We all helped each other and looked after each other. Then when I was 4, my father was brutally murdered. He was standing up to humans who were beating a K-9 friend of his whom he toured with. Sadly both the K-9 and my father were outnumbered and killed... My mother ended up almost relying on Ruby's mother, Ana. Ana didn't mind of course. We were still all a family unit. We all even talked of finding a home together for us four to live in. I remember Ruby and I getting so excited at the thought of sharing a room. Then when I was around six years, my last memory of Ruby and Ana was going into their house, Ana usually baked in the mornings so I was going round to grab a bun or two and ...nothing. The house was just as it was the day before. Everything was still there. I looked in every room, under the beds. No one. They had gone without a trace. My mother and I looked high and low for a letter or anything that would give us an idea to where they had gone. We found nothing. We both cried. We loved Ana and Ruby, they were our family and they had just gone." Christa looked down at the table rather upset, tears in her eyes. Then she looked back up at Miles. "I joined the K-9 squad not only in remembrance of my father, but to find out what happened to my family. I can't find records anywhere on any Anthro. I believe they were taken. From the small amount of info I gathered, I know they were taken, but I don't know where. It took a big toll on my mother. I was the only one she had left. She suffers from severe depression and anxiety because of everything that has happened. I think if I could find our family, it would help her ease a little. Also I miss my sister dearly." She ended with a determined gleam in her eyes and small smile. Christa never referred to Anthros as anything other than people. They were people, with animal characteristics but they had the same amount of intellect as humans. "..Now my question. I don't want this to upset you, it might be a touchy subject... but I'd like to know, if you know, anything about where Anthros were being taken away to..." She said softly. She hoped he had some answers for her. Miles was not the first Anthro she had spoken to, asking this question. When ever she manages to see them in the streets, begging for money for food she always gives them a helping hand, but they never seem to know anything, they managed to escape captivity so they have no idea where the others are. Its rare you see an Anthro on the street in broad daylight. They would most likely be captured and carted off somewhere. So information resources were scarce.