[hider=Suna Kumoshita] [img]https://d.maxfile.ro/axlauvswkl.jpg[/img]   [b]Appearance[/b] : [url=https://d.maxfile.ro/axlauvswkl.jpg]Link[/url] [b]Name/nickname[/b] : Suna Kumoshita [b]Gender[/b] : Male [b]Grade, age[/b] : 1st Year, 16 [b]Disability[/b] : Narcolepsy [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Suna is an easygoing and carefree youth. Despite that, he's quite the hard one to faze, and takes everything in stride with an assuring smile on his face. When it comes to a win-loss situation he is fairly pragmatic, although not completely selfish. He loves high places more than monkeys and has a fascination towards aviation. Treating his condition as something not worth going to Yamaku for, Suna still feels out of place and disconnected with the more impaired of the students, as well as his general circumstances. It may take a while before he could socialize normally with the other students. Suna is a bit on the short side, and is quite youthful in appearance, perhaps slightly overly so. Bringing either point into the discussion might put him in a bad mood. Has an odd respect towards old people in general. He has a slight weirdness with the caring types, in which he did not want people to trouble themselves over him; this goes double in Yamaku, where he views that other people have bigger worries than doing him a favor.[/indent] [b]Background:[/b] [indent]Suna was born with the condition. In his early years the disorder went undiagnosed, and his parents dismissed his daytime sleep attacks as part of normal stages of growth. In elementary school, Suna's narcolepsy put him in an academically bad spot because it was miscontrued as sleeping in the class; this led to him disliking schools in general, which leads to a negative loop of bad grades. It was not until the third year of elementary school when a collapse caused by his condition led him into a traffic accident. After two months in the hospital, Suna was discharged, fortunately without any permanent damage. His condition was also diagnosed and explained to his parents and the school administration. From then he was leading a fairly normal life, with him treating his disorder as a hindering annoyance. He entered middle school, and got along well with the students there despite his condition. The teachers also tolerated his 'sleeping' in class as long as he made up for it with his grades, which he did. Suna gained a newfound appreciation to learning and art, which his condition doesn't completely botch. Secretly worrying that a similar accident might occur, his parents agree that he was to enter Yamaku after he graduated from middle school. He was kept in the dark until a year before his graduation. Naturally, Suna was dissapointed upon faced with the one-sided decision. He had wanted to go to the same school as his peers, and being clumped in with the 'disabled' dissatisfied him in more ways than one. But his parents was firm in their decision, and thus his life began at the academy.[/indent] [b]Additional Info:[/b][list] [*] Often spends his free time observing his surrounding. He's taken into drawing and try to replicate what he saw. His skills aren't that good but it's one he's fairly satisfied with. [*] Despite having lived a fairly carefree life, Suna has a lot of bad dreams. The doctors said it has something to do with his condition. [*] Strong bursts of emotion can trigger his condition and cause sudden weaknesses or complete collapse. Despite his cheery, easygoing exterior he's quite hard to faze. [/list][/hider]