Sarah giggled, still grinning from ear to ear at Nefas. "Heh, I guess that's true," she admitted. "I guess I just didn't really believe what I'd seen back then, but now..." She shook her head, grin still in place - clearly, this serving of revenge had been a long time coming for her. "There's no doubt in my mind; you really are a Princess from Hell, and with all the power to match! ...Though I'm still not quite sure how I feel about that, to be honest," she admitted, grin finally faltering. She normally wouldn't have said so out loud, but Nefas could read minds. No real point in hiding it. With a nod at her suggestion, Sarah stood up and took up her garbage. She paused a moment then, considering, then shrugged and took up Nefas's garbage as well. [i]Might as well,[/i] she thought to herself. [i]She[/i] did [i]just make one of my minor dreams come true.[/i] Tossing the trash, she held the door and beckoned Nefas out. Soon enough, they were on their way back to the dorm room. "I'll probably take a shower and start getting ready for bed once we get back," she told Nefas on their way back. It wasn't that late in the day yet, but Sarah's classes started fairly early, and she liked having plenty of sleep. [i]Plus, I still have some homework to finish,[/i] she remembered. Demon Princess or no Demon Princess, her schoolwork still went on.