[quote=@WiseDragonGirl] Okay, so maybe I just don't know enough of the English vocabulary to understand the assignments after reading through it once or the choice of words is deliberately challenging. Just like the previous challenge it will take a bit for me to grasp what is needed to meet the requirements. Don't get me wrong, I love the use of words. It's just I don't often have to look up words to understand what is being said. This challenge will need a day or so to sink in, but I'm looking forward in tackling the assignment. [/quote] I'm a native English speaker and even to me the wording seems intentionally difficult (and probably unnecessarily so). Honestly, I think the only confusing part of the challenge is "rainbow" text. I personally need some clarification on what qualifies for an "ambivalent" character. Is it a character who is just indifferent over something or having conflicting feelings over something?