Silence filled the air around her, With only the light, frigid breeze of air brushing behind her ear to keep her company. The masculine female stood quietly, her arms folded, index on her throat as ki slowly enveloped her, silent herself, not making a sound, inner peace enveloped her. [color=6ecff6]"K'oohh....."[/color] The woman exhaled. Her breathing technique, one that would allow her to regain her posture and keep in a fight for a longer period of time, a technique which has served her well many times before. The longer she held the pose, the more she recovered, allowing her to control her breathing patterns instantaneously. "Right..." She spoke, her hands falling to her side, severing the link of her calm posture. It was at this moment, that they arrived, reptilian entities, enveloped in their own ki hissed and shrieked as they leaped down upon her, eager to sink their fangs into her jugular, however, unbeknownst to them, Jiyuu was no ordinary woman... Raising her back leg, a wave of blue ki engulfed the lower half, the energy like projection quickly morphed and manipulated itself to her will, becoming what would be described as a massive energy blade on her boots heel and as she raised it, the ki immediately sliced through two of the reptiles, severing their bodies from their torso's. [color=6ecff6]"QUEENS... HEEL!"[/color] Twisting her body around afterwards, she flipped backwards, sending her right leg to the left diagonally, allowing her Ki heel blade to slice through two more of the reptilian beasts, the momentum of twisting her leg allowed her to twirl her whole form, which allowed her other leg to follow suit for a continuation attack, as her heel crashed down upon a beasts face, serving it down the middle to the groin, eviscerating it. Jiyuu accurately landed where she was originally and smiled, there were far more of the beasts left, and she was going to execute every last one... Shrieking once more, a reptile quickly shot forward in an attempt to gnaw at her leg, only for Jiyuu to retort with a boot, sending the lizard upwards with a startled scream, however, before the monster could get out of her grasp, she screamed chaotically as her hand gripped onto the airborn monsters leg, and with her free, now clenched fist, jiyuu dragged the beast toward her, applying the force of her powerful fist to the creatures cranium which allowed her to sinking her knuckles through its flesh and skin, through the bone, and with pinpoint accuracy, her fingers clenched onto the beasts soft and squishy cerebrum, before swiftly extracting the brain entirely through the hole she crafted through its skull, crushing it into a fine paste in her fingers. [color=6ecff6]"Useless weaklings... You think you can take me down?! I'L KILL YOU MINDLESS FIENDS RIGHT H-" [/color] In the space of a second, the surroundings around Jiyuu instantly changed, causing her to stumble back curiously at the area around her, only to see a lavender haired boy ahead. [color=6ecff6]"Here?"[/color] [color=0054a6]"“My name is Trunks. I’d like you all to follow me. I’ll explain everything soon enough."[/color] [color=ec008c]"Hold on, lavender boy, Three questions; Where's my bike, where am I and why in hell should I blindly follow you?"[/color] [color=00746b] "If I find your explanation to be unsatisfactory then you will be summarily executed."[/color] "[color=82ca9d]No, I have no reason to follow you, you don't have any ties to Lord Bills, So I have no real reason to follow after you."[/color] Listening to everyone talking, She frowned and folded her arms, she wasn't going to let this sudden change of scenery dissuade her, she needed to stay calm and collected in this scenario, if she didn't then there would be a chance she could fail, she wasn't going to let that happen and instead looked to Dimitri[@monsieurShade], speaking up to him. [color=6ecff6]"Listen... Whoever you are, I have no idea where the hell we are, but it's not wise to just threaten people you dont know...We're in an unknown location infront of an unknown friend or unknown foe, their are so many unknown statistics and variables that acting so rashly will only turn you from a angsty kid to an angsty kid, burned and put sunny side up with a side of dinosaur steak..."[/color] Her attention then turned to Sinthe.[@Spriggs27] [color=6ecff6]"Same goes for you, whoever your "lord bills" is, this "Trunks" fellow isn't exactly hostile, and it would be smart not to make enemies with people who potentially might be an ally. Elementary..."[/color] She finished off with a sigh, before looking to trunks[@lofi] himself. [color=6ecff6]"As you can tell, everyone here is skeptical on what we're doing here, and if nothing is explained, it's likely this place will turn into a unneeded battlefield. So, if you may, trunks, state your purpose for summoning us..."[/color]