[center][color=lightgreen][h1]Elena Reese[/h1][/color][/center] [center][color=lightgreen][h1]Site of High School Massacre, Los Angeles, California[/h1][/color][/center] It was complete chaos at the site, at least five different helicopters ranging from news station choppers, to police choppers as well as hospital choppers air lifting injured from the site. On the ground more news crews were covering the story and paramedics running around, then Elena could see white sheets covering up the bodies that were found. Doing her best Elena closed her eyes trying to not look at the sight of it, wondering who could have done an attack like this? Reaching into her shoulder bag Elena pulled out her own camera studying journalism back at Glendale, she looked around seeing the yellow caution tape around the whole perimeter of the high school. Looking for the least guarded point Elena quickly snuck through unseen by police. They were all way to busy searching for survivors as well as trying to get statements from people who weren't at the school but close to the site to see what happened. "Help!" Elena could hear several people yelling for help, following the pleas for help Elena spotted a very small opening but it was covered by some rebar from the building as well as some live wires that were moving around madly with an electric current. All the while a news chopper was flying over and hovering over where Elena was which she didn't even notice. "Hold still, i'm here to help!" Elena said as she started to move away crushed brick, moving what looked like school supplies as well as some wood. Sighing heavily she wiped away the sweat that was over her face now. Then Elena went for the rebar that was blocking the way groaning loudly and using all of her strength she had at first it wouldn't budge, then she pushed it some more until it finally was able to make the hole bigger. But it exposed a pipe sending some water down onto the students who were trapped inside. "Back up hurry!" Elena yelled as the survivors did, feeling the live electricity knowing that she would expose herself to the world she had to do it now. Taking a moment she closed her eyes and started to relax and extended her hand out towards the live wire, the news chopper overhead now focused on her and recording her every move. "I got this.." Elena said to herself as the bolt of electricity came out of the live wire and into her hand. "Hurry, and get out now! Elena yelled, there were at least five students and a teacher they were surprisingly uninjured just a few open cuts and possible broken bones but one by one they started to crawl out. Seeing that the news chopper was overhead, Elena once all of them were out Elena quickly made a run towards her car. [color=red][u][i][b]"An Evolved Human Saves People Trapped in the Rubble!"[/b][/i][/u][/color] Noah Bennet: "Yes, i'm at the site now. And yes I know of the Bennet Act already its on the radio." Noah said over the phone seeing the group of six that were running over towards a nearby ambulance, he could see a girl running over towards the old rusted Mustang. Getting the feeling that something had happened he looked back towards the site of the crushed high school. "Hey I'll call you back." As he got closer, the mustang quickly started and drove out of the site. Seeing the license plate number he quickly wrote it down, letting out a sigh and turned around to ask the group that was just saved. "Did any of you know who she was?" Noah asked looking to the group who were being tended to and they all shook her head, letting out a sigh he nodded. "Did she do anything strange?" He then asked, then a girl finally spoke. "I saw her control the electricity coming from the wires, and saved us." She said, Noah nodded at her. "Thank you." Noah turned around and walked over towards his car and opened up his phone and called someone. "Hey I was wondering if you could look up a license plate number for me and find out who it belongs to." He said as he got back into his car.