[quote=@souleaterfan320] *his eyes fleet to the right, as he looks behind him, and he explodes* I'm over here. *he now stands ten yards away, and turns to his right, as a squad of EDB troops close in on him* EDB Squad Commander: Mordric, the Forsaken One. We have you under arrest for an evergrowing list of crimes against existence. Surrender now and your sentence will be shorted from 3 million years to 1.5 million years of exile in the outer rim. - hmm. You actually think that pitiful beings like you can do anything to a being such as myself? And to think I thought the Guardian to be foolish... *they all train their guns on him, as they turn off the safety on them* Commander: you have five seconds. Five. Four. Three. Two. O- *in a wisp of smoke, Mordric dashes towards them, shoving his hand through the commanders chest, rips his spine out, stabs it through two soldiers sides on his left, while turning and clotheslining the other four with his leg, and stands up straight* Cmon. Give me a challenge. *one gets up and fires at him, but he dodges, darting toward him, stabbing him through the stomach with his hand, pulling out his intestines, wrapping them around his throat, tosses him up into the air, and yanks down on the other end of the intestine, slamming him into a stone, his head splitting open like a smashed pumkin* Who's next. *two of the other guys get up, and pull out pistols, firing at him* Hm, puny little weapons. *takes a few bullets to the head, as they rapidly heal, and grabs both of their heads, smashing them together, effectively crackig their skulls and spillig smashed brain onto the snow* Hmm, six down, one left. *the last one, shakily holding his gun, trained on mordric* Think about it. You can die your own way, or by my hand. You chose. *the soldier, softly crying, puts the gun to his head and pulls the trigger, dropping dead* -good, at least you made the right choice. *turns to techi* Now, where were we? [/quote] Watching people commit suicide, apparently. I've seen a lot of it, but it never stop irking me.