[color=ed145b][b]Clair Carnelian[/b][/color] As a child, her parents - both teachers - were already at work by the time she had to wake up to go to her own school, and so at a young had she was forced to develop and refine her morning routine. After her bizarre encounter, she walked quickly back to her room, showered, and within seven she fully dressed and drying her hair. As she reached for a hair tie on her bedside table she found herself staring at Gren's "business card." What kind of high schooler has a business card? It does say "Landscaper," but... even so, what kind of high schooler has a fax machine? [color=ed145b][i]Gren Orchid, huh?[/i][/color] She put the card in her bag.[color=ed145b][i]He's either completely clueless or really desperate. Or both.[/i][/color] She pulled her hair up in a ponytail, grabbed her bag, and headed off. [i]Well, either way, it's better than spending Sunday morning with Sarina.[/i] Checking her Scroll, it had been exactly ten minutes since she left the gardens. When she got back, Gren was nowhere to be seen. [color=ed145b]"Uh... hello? You still here?"[/color] She looked around. Nothing.[color=ed145b]"Hard to believe a six-foot-something Faunus guy could just disappear like that,"[/color] she mumbled. She tapped her foot against the ground. [color=ed145b][i]Wait... wasn't there...[/i][/color] She reached into her bag and pulled out his card. [color=ed145b][i]I guess I could give him a call.[/i][/color] She dialed Gren's number on her Scroll.