[center][h3] [color=a187be]Victoria Nikitina[/color] [/h3][/center] "[color=f7941d]Can you tell me what this says?[/color]" A voice suddenly rung in dozing ears. Victoria was leaning against the door and part of her chair in a slump before she jolted with the voice and eyes quickly fluttered open. The bright coloring of her hues striking the man as he stood in front of her truck. He looked the same as when they'd briefly passed in the park. As he held up his wrist baring the Russian letters towards her she'd reach to hush the barking pup sitting beside her before opening the door and stepping out. "[color=a187be]Victoria Nikitina,[/color]" she said in audible, yet noticeably hushed tones; her accent clinging to the words heavily as she continued on, "[color=a187be]My name is, Victoria Nikitina. It is a pleasure to meet you Dyami,[/color]" she'd thankfully memorized the name he'd spoken earlier after hearing it repeat in her head multiple times. As she moved towards him around the bonnet of the ivory vehicle she'd extend her hand in offering of obviously a handshake. The startled pup still sitting in the front seat as she left her door wide open and managed to avoid having him jump out or take off. "[color=a187be]So, you work here?[/color]" she'd ask curiously with a quick glance to the large building she'd found herself in front of after almost getting lost. "[color=a187be]Oh and that is Kubik,[/color]" she'd quickly finish her words off after the little husky barked a few times over at the stranger and herself. He was such an attention hog sometimes, puppies were too cute too resist though; everyone pat him when he begged for it and now he always begged for it no matter where he was. She eventually had to train it out of him, but for now she was too focused on the person in front of her. [i]Is he human? I can't tell these days, will he care about what I am? What if he thinks I'm a freak?[/i] she'd allow quiet thoughts to trail through her mind as she awaited any and every response he gave including every small movement. Being a shifted she had a tendency to pick up behaviors that signified so many underlying motives or emotions, after all she needed to be able to approach some dogs with the knowledge of their possible aggression or passive nature. [center] [@Morte Angelis] [/center]