[center][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/7757db715e67f45bba8bf2a83a362e82/http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv293/LalMirch_Colonello/Anime%20Girls/0a404e20ad13a01ac1537c3fbd7a3bc3564.jpg[/img] [b]"[/b]We're [b]not[/b] [i]cool[/i]. We are [i][u][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm9d5wAXW5c]free[/url][/u][/i].[b]"[/b][/center] [b]Full Name:[/b] Colette Ventus [b]Nickname(s):[/b] None, at this current moment in time. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Birthday:[/b] February 23rd [b]Astrological Sign:[/b] Pisces [b]Ability:[/b] Colette can has [i]Mediumship[/i], which allows her to see and communicate with the dead at ease. This includes asking for help. [b]Profile: [/b] A relatively friendly, shy and naive girl. She is an enigma by all means of the word and is a heavy believer in spiritualism, which is likely attributed by her ability to see and speak with the dead. She is a strong believer in angels, however, views herself as agnostic. A majority of her past is unknown, most likely due to unhappy or quite possibly, repressed memories (to be revealed in Roleplay).