He listened to her speak, though for the most part parts of it were being muted out by the harassing voices that had decided it would be fun to play with what she was saying. Although regardless of their vile intents he was able to keep most of it straight forward. A good way to talk that was to say. “Hmm, I wouldn't say i'm excited. Interested, yes. But not excited. I tend to not enjoy the same pleasures some people get while being around people. You know, all that fun stuff. Feeling like being part of a flock was never something...for me.” He said calmly, it wasn't meant to sound aggressive, no. he was testing , teasing the water to see if this person would be worth his time or not. You would never really know until you started laying out the road. [color=9e0b0f][i]She's failing, look at her...Another comes, slice her throat. Watch her reaction.[/i][/color] It seemed someone else was coming, he was obviously already slightly aware of her. His peripheral vision had picked up on the on comer. Another one, the girl show stated she enjoyed music. Of course that was because of that kid who seemed to leave in a hurry. He tilted his head back. “I would have to say the more interesting part, is how many games some people will play though. I wonder which teacher will start it, and who will finish.” He said calmly allowed. Watching the area around them play out. The game. The girl seemed to move to the nearby tree out of his range. The sound of the tress rustling about from her movements did tell him a bit of what she was doing. But he was watching the group of people. Along with pushing back the tantalizing thoughts that drew up rather graphic images of the murders to come and the possible reaction of Naomi to them. Why? Because he enjoyed it, though at the same time he knew it wasn't right. His mind just did it anyways, even if he'd try to not have it happen. It was better to just leave it go for now. No action to be taken, merely a thought list that would make some people turn tail and run. “I don't mind, though i'd like to ask you name in return. If you are going to be hanging about, it'd be great to know that much.” He said calmly.