Chip makes the generous decision to help me out of this horrible situation by attacking the Shroomish, stealing his own life force in a strangely ironic form of payback. Wait, if the Shroomish absorbed my energy, and Chip absorbed his... does that mean that he technically drained [i]my[/i] energy? I should probably stop thinking about this... I gasp when the Shroomish gets up after facing the barrage and tries to steal even more of my life out from under me, and then sigh in relief when he falls over and passes out, succumbing to his wounds a little while too late for my liking. “Is it finally over?” I ask in exasperation. I look around and notice that the abra, aron, and rhyhorn are still up and about. “Close enough... Thanks for the help, Chip!” After readjusting my scarf, I ruffle my hair and dislodge the now dormant leech seed, the accursed thing falling to the ground and withering away. I run my hands through my hair and use my psychic powers to straighten it out and return it to it’s former, fabulous position; a use for said powers that was much, [i]much[/i] more undervalued than it’s practicality would suggest. Noticing the rhyhorn rushing towards Chip, I use Confusion on him, hoping to repay the favor. Unfortunately, rhyhorns tend to be a good deal heavier than the average shroomish or nidoran, so I can’t really toss him around like that without getting an unspeakably bad migraine, let alone lift him off of the ground, so the attack only manages to damage the rhydon and break his attack.