[centre] [color=fff79a][i]"I-I know I've done a lot of bad things in my life. I have let a lot of good people down. But, please, don't think less of me. I ask for the strongest guild to lend me their strength so that I can rebuild my kingdom into the shining beacon of glory that it once was."[/i][/color] [h1][color=fff79a]Azrael S. Nemamaiah[/color][/h1] [h2][color=fff79a]Appearance[/color][/h2] [i][color=aba000]Azrael appears as a petite blonde woman, barely reaching at 5'0. Her golden hair is cut short, leaving the locks to just reach above her shoulder, something she shares with Akriel. Her eyes resemble the colours of the untamed oceans, matching her pale skin that is often covered by a long-sleeved beige shirt with a chain vest pulled over it. She also wears a loose pair of cloth pants with some leather guards attached to her leg. The princess also has a leather bag slung over her shoulder which contains some necessary supplies for the quest. While seemingly weak, Azrael is trained in the basics of fighting due to her (hidden) cousin, Akriel. Thus, she has some muscle beneath her fragile appearance. As a weapon, she has a rapier which is sheathed and hung from her waist. Similar to Akriel, she has a black hooded cloak which she uses to hide her appearance to avoid any danger of detection.[/color][/i] [h2][color=fff79a]Age[/color][/h2] [color=aba000][b]18[/b][/color] [h2][color=fff79a]Personality[/color][/h2] [i][color=aba000]Azrael is normally a timid girl due to the shame that she has felt when her kingdom fell before her eyes without her being able to do anything. She has also developed a fear of her cousin, Akriel. She knows that her cousin hates her to the point that he had done everything to hide her relationship to the princess. When Akriel speaks, Azrael always stays silent, afraid of getting hurt once more since the Seraph had a tendency to be dastardly ferocious with his words. However, just because she is timid doesn't mean that she has no ambition. Even though the shame of her mistake gnaws at her psyche, Azrael seeks to ascend to the throne in order to avenge her ancestors. She believes that she can still turn Vualranur around and liberate her people from the slavery of the Ninrus Colonies. As such, when talking about her ambition, Azrael is proud of her bloodline and will lash out at anyone who paints her ancestry in a bad light. Still, the princess is not the smartest person around and will often rely on more intelligent individuals for guidance. She is also quite determined to protect anyone she deems that she cares for, mainly as the act of protecting someone serves as the balm to suppress the guilt that she has in leaving her kingdom unprotected until it was torn asunder. [/color][/i] [color=fff79a][h2]Skills[/h2] [/color] [b][color=aba000]- Decent Swordswoman - Refined First-Aid - Refined Cooking Skills - Adept Spy and Intel Gatherer[/color][/b] [/centre]