Vanessa was.... Shocked when he re-appeared from around the corner and first told her she wasn't a fool, then practically told her they would go on a date and then give her the reason why he never liked soccer with her. She nodded and didn't know what to say, though she also had not time to speak cause he was gone even before she could open her mouth. Now she had to wait till tonight to answer him and she looked at Sarah. ''Help?'' she said and kinda nervously laughed but then got up, kinda forgetting her feet and feeling it again when she stood. ''Ehm, I'll grab that recipe later.. I need to do some cleaning and then cooking'' she said and smiled. She 'walked' back to her car and climbed in, she started the engine and waved. She then drove to her own house and parked, lucky her she still had a crutch laying in her car so she grabbed it and used it to walk properly to her house and there it started. Being limp on one side wasn't helping but she cleaned up the work stuff as good as she could, even though it took her a little longer. When she was done with the cleaning, she got everything around for a proper meal. She would make some soup and then baked potatoes with a fresh salad and pork chops and as desert ice cream with self made chocolate sauce. She looked in her cabinets and saw she only needed the chocolate. She texted Sarah: [i]'Hey, Can you check if you have one pure and two milk chocolate bars? I need them but can't go to the grocery store right now.. If you sent Riley I'll pay you back' Kiss and hug V[/i]