Ryann was on the edge of pouting after searching several more bags of supplies with little luck on finding Roach. She did find quite the assortment of odd objects that her bag had lacked, like socks or additional food. She found a small set of art supplies, which she silently pulled from the bag for herself—when in a new land, always take what you would use later. She eventually gave up, making her way back to her own corner of the room with a bit more disappointment on her face. Perhaps she’d simply misheard his chirping? She didn’t want to admit to such a mistake, but seeing as there wasn’t an overgrown crab blended into any of the scenery here, it had to be true. She began to shove her supplies, as well as the sketchbook and pastels, into her bag now. Without the bulk of her coat, which was now wrapped around her torso, the bag was much lighter and much easier to pack. The only thing left beside her at the end was a neat pile of coat stuffing and torn fabric and the knife she’d used to cut the hole. She slid that into her boot for easier access later. Then the room began to shake, and in the distance, Ryann could hear something roaring. It sounded angry, like some horrible Static, and made her feathers stand on end. So there was a monster dwelling nearby after all. Her heart skipped a beat while it build up speed, and Will’s reaction only added to her anxiousness. Was this place not stable? Were they going to be buried alive if they stayed? And what did he mean by a light on the horizon? Ryann quickly scrambled to her feet, pulling her bag into her chest and looking around at the remaining people in the room. “I think we should follow him.” Ryann answered Dimitri immediately, the panic in her voice quite evident in its volume. “We should leave right now.” She reaffirmed and glanced back at the tunnel anxiously. She could practically feel her heart pounding in her feet, urging them to move. The tunnel would lead them outside, right? Will wouldn’t run off in a direction that didn’t lead them outside, right? She flapped her wings impatiently, trying to re-flatten her spooked feathers. They refused, but she still tried, hoping it would distract her from her panic.