[@Tabitha Jade] is probably dealing with real life stuff. On another note, Izzy reminds me of a character I had played for about a year on my old site, Shoda. He also didn't trust anybody, but that was because he was a fugitive from his home country. I took it a lot farther than [@IcePezz] though. He would be suspicious of the nice lady running a restaurant in a small town that gave him free food because he was new, he was suspicious of town guards in another country, he was even suspicious of random people on the road. My mod joked that he wouldn't trust his own grandmother, which I corrected him by saying that he [i]wouldn't[/i] trust his own grandmother. Shoda, on top of being the second most paranoid character in that RP was selfish, sarcastic and pragmatic to a fault. It was pretty awesome, if extremely stressful to play.