[color=00a651][b] “Hhhhhmmm...”[/b][/color] Rachel made a very neutral sound as she listened to Xerox's greeting. Now this was someone she hadn't seen in a while... a couple of weeks to be more precise. This rascal was a boy from Trabia she tended to look after while they were kids. Him being a little younger than her, it was expected she would have too look after him and boy did he need it. Always fooling around with his creations... A thing that Rachel never approved. While useful at times he tended to over do and sometimes even do things that straight out shouldn't have been done. So in the end she ended being called his elder sister by some other people from the Garden as a joke. It did look that way though. [color=00a651][b]“A while indeed.”[/b][/color] She agreed with very calm and professional tone.[color=00a651][b]” Well I've been her in DC for my last mission, so instead I just got ordered to stay and await the next mission...”[/b][/color] She said to the younger boy to inform him.” I'm fine enough to be able to finish this mission without problems.” [color=00a651][b] “Yeah I noticed Rue back at the place where I met your group out in the city.” [/b][/color]She stated, narrowing her eyes on Xerox.[color=00a651][b]” You know next time you try to escape with the secret of inventing a gender reversing machine, you might want to not drag Rue with you like that. It's kind of a dead give away who you are.”[/b][/color] She told the boy with voice that was clearly trying to lecture him.[color=00a651][b]” On that note, now I think I should be lecturing you about how to act as a girl now in order not to be easily discovered next time you decide to transform... It might just be of use for you future missions...” [/b][/color] [s] -----------------------------------------------------------------[/s] Rachel woke up early the next morning in order to prepare for the mission. She went through all her gear she had, checked the gun and the ammunition she had prepared for this. Since those were alright, she went through all her magic to check if everything was ready for the mass berserk casting that will be needed for the crowds. If things went to worse, she was going to be forces to bring out Castanica. Then she went ahead to check all the medicine she had prepared and sorted it by effects and strength. Then she prepared her junctions.