[center] [h3]Koizumi, Cheng[/h3] [img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/0d63adcefcb77ae533548237c25443521329459254_full.jpg[/img] [i]"If you don't make waves, you can't get on anyone's bad side."[/i] Cheng is an average 5'7” with a lean build. His exercise routine is irregular, and as a result he is not as toned as he would perhaps like to be. Both his hair and eyes are dark. He keeps the former neatly trimmed and styled whenever possible. He is an avid user of cosmetic products and strives to maintain a clear complexion. His skin tone is light and warm with a mild peach undertone. Students that know him well enough outside of school grounds notice Cheng's reputation for fashion. His wardrobe is carefully chosen and constantly updated to reflect his tastes and current trends, even though he has to wear the academy's uniform most of the time. It's been said that even in school clothes, he “finds a way to look good.” Cheng is a Chinese-Japanese mix and can speak both Cantonese and Japanese fluently. His English is good, though he has a clearly-identifiable accent. His mixed heritage has gotten him into a few scruples with more conservative-thinking Japanese nationals in the past, but for the most part he manages to evade trouble. _________________________________________________________________ [/center] [b]Codename:[/b] Algol [b]House:[/b] The Squid House [b]Grade:[/b] 12th [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Hetero [b]Birthday:[/b] October 27th [b]Blood Type:[/b] AB+ [b]Nationality:[/b] Hong Konger ___________________ [b]Hobbies:[/b] As many or as little as wanted. [list] [*] R/C car racing, drifting [*] Bicycling [*] Writing (novellas, poems) [*] Blogging [*] Cuisine [*] Video games [*] Computers (hardware, assembly) [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Cheng can seem reserved and even shy at times; he is not usually the most talkative one at the table. Despite being a man of few words, Cheng is actually quite opinionated and passionate about his worldview. He is quite open with those who share his interests or passions. He seldom appears to be upset around other people. Cheng can get very absorbed in his own thoughts, spending long periods of time in the hypothetical and philosophical world. When taken to extremes, he can get out of touch with reality and accidentally shut out others around him. However, he can draw great amounts of creativity from his mental escapes, along with bursts of energy that would be otherwise out of place for his demeanor. Harmony is more desirable than conflict for Cheng, who is disinclined to picking sides or being forced to choose between other people. He is rather diplomatic in his interactions - rarely does he do anything to get on someone's bad side, and he is prone to seeking equal degrees of mutual benefit in deals. He is not terribly indecisive, although it may appear that way. Rather, he strives to maintain some semblance of the status quo, and harmony as a result. Cheng maintains a relatively low profile, being very selective in who he chooses to keep close. However, that doesn't mean he dislikes social activity - Despite evidence to the contrary, he enjoys meeting other people. His true friends; the few that stick with him, possess specific qualities that he admires them for. Most happen to be comparable regarding their maintenance of their looks. To be truthful, Cheng is very conscious of his appearance, which includes not only himself, but the company he surrounds himself with. He secretly disdains the thought of being associated with folks of lesser prestige. He has become something of a popular character among certain social circles for his dress and interests, although the admiration is usually one-sided. But depending who his admirers are, Cheng allows himself to bask in a hint of pride. Some perceive him as mysterious, and more outgoing students might develop an interest in prodding him open. Cheng enjoys when he is surrounded by good company, which mainly applies to his close friend circle. He tries to see some positive in situations that come his way, though this sometimes puts his intuition in conflict with a more idealistic longing for optimism. When asked for help, he is happy to give his input, so long as others are receptive and willing to learn. He does his best not to complain when a task is asked of him; in fact, he is hesitant to show great flux in his emotional state. Usually, he maintains a neutral demeanor. This makes him difficult to read – in situations where he may be offended or uncomfortable, he can get by with a smirk and a shrug, and no one would be the wiser. [b]History:[/b] Cheng was born to a Taiwanese mother and a Japanese father, and as a result developed proficiency in both languages. With his family's mixture, he took an interest in both cultures and learned to appreciate the diversity in his ethnic makeup. His childhood was a comfortable one; his parents were financially stable and being an only child, he was not wanting for attention. The Koizumi family led a relatively normal life and Cheng was free to pursue many interests, notably working on and racing R/C cars and tinkering with computer equipment. As a youth, he took a liking to automobiles and his parents frequently took him to a nearby raceway so he could take his fill. During one particular visit, several cars participating in a race were involved in a terrible accident, sending debris and parts over the track and even towards the crowd. A section of chassis ricocheted off the track and flew directly towards the Koizumis. Cheng was afraid for his life, as one could imagine, but above all else, he longed for safety, praying the debris would halt in its tracks. Miraculously, the projectile collided with an invisible barrier, bouncing back onto a safe patch of grass within the track boundaries. Cheng, nor anyone else seated in his vicinity could provide an adequate explanation until his parents were contacted by individuals claiming to be representatives from a Hoshinoumi Academy. Their investigation into the incident led them to Cheng and they deduced he was clearly a “gifted” child. Cheng is now starting his final year at the Academy, and it is an exciting prospect to graduate. It might also be a bittersweet one, save for the fact Cheng has been selected as a prospective faculty member of the academy's IT department and possibly a student adviser. Over the past few years of his enrollment, he's shown considerable growth in his ability to harness his power, and he's volunteered with an academy-sponsored program to help others do the same. [b]Current Classification:[/b] Orion [b]Special Ability:[/b] Cheng has the ability to manipulate invisible force fields through psionic means. He can create solid fields of energy without mass, allowing for a wide range of utility. The most apparent use of this power is the creation of barriers to deflect or stop moving objects. In addition, Cheng can use force fields for offensive purposes by hurling them from his body or expanding them within objects. He is able to ride force fields that he generates, achieving a kind of pseudo-flight. Cheng can adjust the density of the fields, making them rigid or soft. In practice, his abilities are akin to that of Marvel's Invisible Woman and many of Star Wars' Force techniques. [b]Imperfection:[/b] These fields are not impenetrable and can be broken through prolonged assault. Successive punishment is taxing on Cheng's mental strength, as the fields require concentration to maintain their integrity. Many successive blows against his force barriers might give him a headache, while the strongest attacks are capable of causing him physical pain upon contact. ___________________ [b]School Clubs:[/b] [list] [*] Automobile Club [*] Asian Cultures Club [/list] [b]Character Relations:[/b] TBD (May already know other Squid House characters and most 4th-years) [list] [*] Akagawa Jin - Cheng and Jin are both members of the Squid House, and so Cheng is at least a little familiar with the pale-featured ionokinetic. Both share an interest in computer technology, as well as some pop culture, which might be useful as outlets to connect. As of yet, he's yet to make much of an effort to know Jin and vice-versa. Cheng thinks his mannerisms are eccentric, but is content to let Jin simply be Jin. [*] Soyokaze Hanare - Cheng admires the notorious Hanare's beauty, as well as her talents in regards to calligraphy and the koto. As both of them are known for their well-maintained appearances, Cheng gravitates to her in that regard. He can appreciate her determination and strong will when she sets her mind to something, although is at least a little wary of her manipulative personality. Because of her reputation, he enjoys the thought of being associated with her social circle - the wide berth given by other students and the top rungs of the school's social prestige ladder are certainly appreciated side-effects. [*] [/list] [b]Other:[/b] Theme: https://youtu.be/pTMqGnypD9s