[b]Henderson Residence, Los Angeles, California[/b] "What to do? What to do?" Jennifer chimed as she washed the dishes in the kitchen sink. Normally, she would be at the gym training someone with any excuse possible to not be healthy... Meanwhile her husband dealt with people who used every excuse in the world to get too [i]healthy[/i]. She could always be nosey and use her powers to learn the latest gossip in the neighborhood. The thought made her smirk as she took a deep breath and raised her hand up and watched as it began to slowly disappear. She liked marveling her ability. Slow is smooth, is what she always said. In the next moment, her body disappeared and her clothes dropped to the ground as she lost her composition to even grasp such things. [i]I love doing this one. It's like I'm a ghost! Time to go messing around with things.[/i] Jennifer had her body composed of air slip beneath the front door and out into the city. She knew exactly where to too. She moved through the air as fast as she could, barely matching the speed of a car on the street. She knew that if she went to fast, she'd hurt someone if she ever ran into them. Right now she was like a breeze, just cooling people off as she passed. It wasn't long till she arrived at the school. It was too late to witness the electric show, but that would have paled in comparison to who she saw. [i]Horn rimmed glasses... what is he doing here? Fuck... where's the Haitian?[/i] Jennifer would glare if she could, but instead she slipped into the vehicle. She heard Noah speak on the phone for a bit before appearing in the backseat behind the passenger's seat. Jennifer appeared naked, but crossed her legs and kept her arms crosed over her chest. Her breasts would be fully exposed with just the smallest flinch, but she wasn't too worried. Michael would unferstand. "So you're stalking girls now huh?" Jennifer said with an eyebrow raised. She knew Noah from back when she cooperated with the Company. He wasn't the one that bagged and tagged her, but she met him a few times. He was always professional and about business. Now she wanted to know what his business was here in Los Angeles.