Niinii poltely listen to the two talk about their experiences, they both seem to be in the same sort of trouble as the moogle. Niinii was honestly relived to noy be the only one going though with all this. Suddenly there was a loud popping noise ringing thought out the whole district, and when the moogle quickly turned to look for the source he seen brilliant lights shot out the big door to the west of the district. And before Niinii ran off to investagate the sound the door to the store he was originally go into suddenly open and a man with blond hair with goggles yelled out to the group. And he asked if they wield the keyblade. Guess that what they called. Niinii thought. [color=ed1c24]"Well Mister Hume, I was going to go into your store, but I got swept into the disscuion about the weapons you called a keyblade, Kupo." [/color] Niinii poltely summarized the group disscuion. [color=ed1c24]"And I was about to investigate the origins of that odd noise, I wanted to make sure it wasn't the heartless, Kupo."[/color] Niinii responeed with honesty. He doesn't want to feel useless while heartless attacked innocent people. He will go there as soon as possible. [color=ed1c24]"And I should still go over there, Kupo."[/color]