[h2]Samir Saron[/h2] Samir feels a slight pinch as the nanite pierces her skin, but otherwise felt nothing on the back of her neck. However, the process of getting to the brain will take a little bit of time before the two can talk normally without having to yell. But before she could say anything else, Sage began to attack her with one of his attacks. Samir quickly leapt backwards out of the way until Nigel formed into an arm cannon and blasting pure plasma into the monster's mouth, destroying it completely. [color=6ecff6][b][i]"Remember what the announcer said?"[/i][/b][/color] reminded Nigel as he transforms into another costume, [color=6ecff6][b][i]"The key here is..."[/i][/b][/color] [b]"TEAMWORK."[/b] they both said as Samir transforms into her Heavenly Archer outfit, looking splendid and dazzling in the sun's rays. Covering Nigel, she quickly shoots several groups of Angel arrows, in threes, heading towards both Sage and Stacy.