So, I'm thinking that some of this will be as massive as Eve Online. Like player interaction and laws. The mods don't say "no being mean!" Players can be mean, it's an adult MMO type of game, so I would think a lot of policing and player-rules are enforced by other players, rather than admins and mods. Those with the power in an area, control the rules there. All of this emphasis on the players would lead to a strong, player-run economy. Player-owned stores and properties traded as any other goods and services would be. Breaking into shops, stealing from players... all very possible things that would have to be handled internally. You don't just go "waa, he stole from me" - you gather up a group of players and pay them to take care of it, or get your friends to hunt the guy down, or cut your losses. If it becomes a repeated target, then it can be considered harassment and mods can be called. Otherwise it's just a general casualty of the world. Make sense, or did I hash that up all funny? EDIT: Ohhh, nevermind, I see that was already part of your post. My bad! :) We'll just go with that. I think we discussed it before anyway, I kinda forgot. ^_^" Maybe the above can be outside of those four major cities/places?