[b]Odessa, Texas - Claire Bennet's Home[/b] Peter noticed Claire grabbing her things as he continued to try to lecture her and get through to her but didn't think she was actually going to bolt in the midst of their conversation. "No! At least then we could get people on our side, make them think the Government was just targeting random citizens, but now that the world knows about us. Now they can play hard ball, they can turn everyone against us, and come after us in the open with the public in full support. That's how the world works, people who are different aren't accepted there discriminated against, abused, and persecuted." Peter was adamant on his stance and his idea that Claire was wrong. Maybe she was right about some things eventually powers were going to come out, and the bad future's they'd created had been because of the negative way powers were exposed. But still it didn't mean he agreed with Claire's choice or that they couldn't have started another Company to try to contain the secret. He felt defeated as his niece as she stormed out of the house. He sat down in a chair and stared at the ground shaking his head." Damn it Claire why won't you listen! Why are you being this stupid, these tests are just the beginning, it's gonna get get worst I just know it is." Peter looked at the wall spotting a picture of Claire with her adoptive family hanging up. "Nathan I promised you I'd watch over her but she's not making it easy." [b]Los Angeles, California - The Emergency Room [/b] Blaire was hoping her water works were effective for her to get her script. She was a fan of drugs legal and illegal, and xanax was big on her list. Not only did it get you fucked up but it made you numb to anything and everything, and in her case that included the feelings of neglect she felt from her parents and the jealousy she had about her brother. "I've considered it, I've also considered that it's pretty expensive, and the person I'm talking too is getting paid to listen to me. And the minute I run out of extra cash to dish out to them they won't give a fuck about hearing about my problems. I know there's alternatives but.." Blaire stopped sniffling again and brushing some tears out of her eyes. She was going to go to even further lengths to try to convince the doctor but it appeared that it wasn't needed. [i]He's a pretty chill doc after all..he wouldn't be the first person I'd kill if I just started having some fun here.[/i] "T.T..Thank you" She stuttered in a thankful tone. "My lips are sealed, and the dosage...2 milligrams." [i]A whole fucking bar brahh duhh[/i] She wanted a full bar, that was a strong dosage, but hey she was a strong girl and she wanted some strong narcotics. At least that excuse made sense to her drug addled sociopathic mind. [b]Brooklyn, New York - Mary's Diner[/b] Jason was just enjoying his food when he heard a thought from another man Adrien was waiting on. He wasn't really paying attention to the man's thoughts he'd "heard" something about him hoping no one saw that. He didn't bother to further investigate his mind, there was no need to in his mind. He'd just ran into another evolved human, whatever that man was trying to hide wasn't important to him. He'd leave him to his eggs and bacon for now the invisible waiter was the only person he sought to bring over to his side. "Perfect I'll be right here I think you'll like my proposal." [i]At least I hope you will, that is if your ambitious and ready to get this money. [/i] As always Jason put money above almost everything else, his urge to get money at all costs one of the few things he inherited from his father. Jason did as Adrien suggested and went back towards gulping down the rest of his delicious meal he'd ordered from the diner. "Mhmmm" [i]This burger is good as shit, and these fries shit I might order a second serving of them I mean[/i] "FUCK IT! IS NO ONE ELSE gonna fucking Comment!" Jason's thought process was interrupted by some woman who got up yelling, he raised an eyebrow. [i]This should be good[/i] Jason thought to himself as the woman seemed infuriated and she was staring at Kai. She was sitting two tables behind his and a man presumably her significant other seemed embarrassed by her outburst. "Babe please." The man was about to get up but the woman snarled at him and he sat back down. "No don't please me nothing that man is a fucking monster! You're one of those fucking freaks on the news, those evolved fucks! I SAW YOU VANISH!!!! It's on my snapchat! I thought I was fucking crazy, but I've got the video and I saw you pop back up! You people have some nerve eating in the same restaurant as the rest of us you fucking freak! YOU HEAR ME TALKING TO YOU. I'm going to put this video on youtube!!! Let everyone you know find out your a monster" She marched over to Kai and went to slap him while also spitting in his face." Fucking abomination!!!"