The veins around Trixy’s eyes bulged and darkened, as if tiny snakes were swimming in them, and the whites of her eyes turned red with bloodlust. With her eyes locked onto her very jealous looking soul mate, Béatrix plunged her fangs into the helpless kid’s neck, drinking deep. His blood carried the tang of alcohol and desire, which only fueled the urgency of her need. Closing her eyes now, Trixy tried to drink the image of Tholo away, but no matter what she did, his presence made the blood taste sour in her mouth. Béatrix retracted her fangs and licked the wounds on his neck to heal them. She convinced the guy that nothing extravagant happened that night, he’d just gotten drunk and blacked out for a bit. With a hypnotic nod and a stumble, he was on his way out. Trixy took in a deep inhale, just to gather herself, before she stormed over to the bar. Trixy took the seat next to Tholo, figuring that she might as well face this thing head on. He was drinking heavily, obviously not pleased with their situation either. The bartender looked over to her and she signaled that she wanted another drink, better yet, make it a double. “So, first you make me lose my perp, and now you spoil my dinner. What am I to make of this, Englishman?” Trixy had her arms crossed as she looked at him, obviously annoyed. There was still fresh blood on her lips, the color well-matched to the dark ruby lipstick she wore. She caught Bartholomew staring at it, “What? Don’t pretend like you’re a stranger to the taste, Wolf,” she said before running her tongue along her lower lip. She closed her eyes in an attempt to enjoy the feeling of being sated, but she didn’t. Her desire for blood was always closely tied to another desire, and Tholo had interrupted her plans to fulfill the latter. Trixy found her eyes lingering on the strong lines of his cheekbones and jaw, and the way his facial muscles flexed when he took a drag from his cigarette. No, it was just the lust of the fresh blood in her system, nothing more. Thankfully, the Bartender came over with her drink, interrupting her wandering thoughts. Trixy uncrossed her arms and gave him a stunning smile in thanks. Her slender pale fingers held the glass with a unique kind of elegance as she swirled the liquid before taking a sip. The taste of blood and whiskey on her tongue calmed her only slightly. She flicked her eyes from the glass and back to him, not really bothered by the silence. One of them would speak eventually.