Someone hand delivered me flowers at work two weeks ago, clearly not a delivery guy (Have you ever seen a Russian delivery man in business attire in Manhattan?) and there was a super creepy note that came with the flowers. The delivery guy was saying that the flowers were from his friend, who wanted to know if I had a husband. I actually called the number, in hopes that it would lead to me figuring out who the hell could have sent them. I don't frequent the same coffee shop every day, my business card doesn't have my floor number on it… nothing has made sense as to who on earth would send me flowers. The guy on the phone was apparently not the ‘secret admirer' and rambled about his friend wanting to see me smile and not wanting to get in trouble if I was married, but he would give me his name and cell phone number if I wanted to meet up and be friends. I declined that offer, and ended up filing a police report.