Leon nearly screeched when he saw these aspects. Not only did they grant super powers but also looked pretty amazing. Something about God-Tier had him wondering if that was like a second phase or like full level. He didn't care, it looked pretty sweet anyway. If this was an mmo then he'd probably find the best utility in well, utility. The mage was probably the better magic dude anyway, or the sorceress... Leon didn't know and didn't care. [color=#e68a00]"Ooh anywhere in space. I guess if there's lava pits and well the vacuum of space then I've got all the firepower I need. But that's the GT. Teleportation seems cool though. I won't have to worry about going back to any town the long way. I guess that'll save me enough time... I bet those are expensive though, infinite energy according to modern science. Yet I feel so.. so much attraction to it. I have to get space. Heir Space.. like airspace or something to do with planes. Spaceheir? Eh space doesn't have air. Eitherway, SPACE!"[/color] Leon clicked on that option, more than happy to have the best utility ever. If other games had what abilities he had then there's no knowing what game he couldn't win.