Charlie was whistling his classic Good, Bad, & Ugly tune as he waltzed down the streets. Earbuds in, and tipping his hat to all the passerby's giving him the usual look. His over-sized button down awkwardly flowed in the wind and his spurs clicked occasionally with the pavement. Suddenly he was passed by a rather large man with a bald head. "That's an awful fancy get up you have there partner." he shouted at Charlie laughing as he disappeared back into the crowd. However Charlie heard none of this because the ultimate cowboy showdown playlist was new and improved, and Charlie hadn't stopped listening since he updated it. Suddenly a cloud of smoke burst behind him, Charlie immediately tucked his earbuds in his shirt and ran towards the action. His whistling getting ever more intense, he readied his finger guns and bust in the door. Coughing he crushed away the smoke and then shouted. "Hold it right there y'all I am here to help!"