[quote=@SgtEasy] Does anyone want to be found? I'm open for any ideas [/quote] If I actually stop dicking around and work on my app, yes. Edit: WIP App [hider=The New Roman Empire] [center][b][u]The New Roman Empire[/u][/b][/center] [img]http://reality-blog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/bJkdA.png[/img] [hider=General Overview] The New Roman Empire was born in bloodshed, a violent revolution that believed the way to truly prosper under modern technology and the expansion into space was to adopt the ways of old long-dead Empire’s from Earth’s history, as the revolution also believed they only fell because they did not have the technology that would allow them to have succeeded. The leaders of this revolution ending up choosing the Roman Empire as their model, considered by many of Earth’s historians to be one of the most grand and influential Empires in Earth’s history. After long years of a brutal war, the New Roman Empire was finally born. It carved itself an Empire out of quite a few human colonies, then turned on alien species in its thirst for conquests. While not severely affected, the Empire lost a attack fleet that was heading out to conquer a minor planet-bound species, as well as having their general view of the universe and science as a whole shaken. [/hider] [hider=Territory]Describe important star systems or areas/zones of control here. Including your Capital System/Home System would be a good start.[/hider] [hider=Governance] The New Roman Empire, as the name and their choice of model would imply, is headed by a Emperor. This Emperor has absolute authority over the Empire and it’s citizens, although many institutions, noble families, a senate, and various offices of the Empire exist to help the Emperor govern, but he may override any of their decisions at any time. Many former revolutionaries question this chosen system, despite it’s use in Roman history, believing the era of the Roman Republic would be a better model for which the New Roman Empire could use to govern, but they have beens silenced. [/hider] [hider=Species] The most prominent, and most powerful of all the Empire’s species is of course, humans. It is to be noted that however these humans are vastly superior to other humans. This has risen from the Empire’s eugenics policies, lax policies towards genetic modification, as well as the fact that the original revolutionaries who created the Empire had been living on a world with a gravity that was a bit higher then Earth’s. These Romus Humans as they call themselves are about as twice as strong than regular humans on average, as well as 50% more mentally powerful and intelligent on average. Romus Humans are the most well-treated species, with it being rare to find a poor or homeless Romus human. The second most prominent species are the Lathians, who are listed as a Imperial Species(explanation behind Imperial and Conquered species can be found in culture). The Lathians upon meeting the Romans while be vastly intelligent did not have the manpower or military strength to face the Romans, as such they willingly joined the Empire to save themselves as well to expand their own power through the Romans. The form of Lathians is humanoid, with the exception of an additional eyestalk on top of the head that can be retracted and has 360 rotation for use in seeing all around. The Lathians are physically frail, being much weaker than humans. They are also not very tall, with the tallest recorded Lathian having reached 5”7. The Lathians have a grey skin color, with this being joked about by calling the Lathians gray in reference to the past Earth perception of a alien. They do not have any hair on their bodies with the exception of their head, with it either being a shade of brown, green, or black. Their eyes can fall anywhere within the spectrum of colors. Most Lathians serve as scientists for the Empire, and the Lathians are treated nearly as well as Romus Humans do to their long service to the Empire. The Lathians also have strong telepathic and psionic abilities, which is used by the Empire. The last species labeled Imperial as well as the third most prominent are the Solusi. They are a feline-like humanoid species. While being a warrior race by nature, they are only as strong as humans, and about the same intelligence. However their unique ability is in the way they can shift their fur color. The Solusi can shift it into any shape with the spectrum do to a unique pigment that they possess within their bodies, although it is harder to hold onto a color that isn't the color they were born with. This has put some, but not all, of the Solusi within the military to units used for stealth attacks, as they can easily shift their colors and personal shield generators in use provide the same protection as the standard armor used by the military. The most prominent of the Conquered species, as well as be arguably more prominent in the Empire then the Solusi are the Iscandarians. This species possesses large angel like wings, which can provide them flight and are easily tucked away to prevent them from being too large of a target on the battlefield. They are stronger and more intelligent than humans, however is it not by much. They are perhaps the most rebellious of the all the species that fall under the yoke of the New Roman Empire, mainly due to their original culture and ideals. The final species that was conquered by the Romans that compromises the New Roman Empire is the Forsythe. A strange spider-like race, they walk upon six-legs. They only have two eyes however and their vision is similar to human vision. They also have on the back of their bodies a scorpion like pincer for attacking, as well as two arms ending in hands. The last sentient species are known as the Lusi Natuarum, latin for Freaks of Nature. These horrifying abominations were made in the deepest depths of the Roman’s laboratories. They are humanoid, but have a black chitin shell and a pincer like mouth. They are vastly stronger than humans and even Romus Humans. From birth they are controlled by the scientists using a mix of chemicals and various cybernetic implants. When they finally reach adulthood they are turned into Synths, horrifying things of cybernetic and genetic modification. Acting as the most elite and dangerous forces of the Empire that serve alongside their other Synths, the Lusi Natuarum are feared. [/hider] [hider=Culture] The first and most relevant systems is the loose caste system that has formed in the Empire. While they have no unique name for their higher-up position in the Empire the Humans are at the top and thus the only species allowed to someone on the throne as Emperor. Following that there are several species that willingly submitted to the Empire, these are known as the Imperial Species. They are granted citizenship and have the same rights as humans, and are usually treated pretty well, although in a few smaller areas they may still be discriminated against. The next are the conquered species, which are species that did not submit and the Romans had to go to war to take control of. They have almost no rights, to the point that there are certain situations in which they can be enslaved. They are oppressed and discriminated against quite frequently as well. Members of conquered species can become what is called a Honorary Roman, either through service in the military or another great achievement for the Empire, they have all the sames rights as regular citizens, beyond not being able to serve on the Senate. Due to this honorary system however they are often discriminated against by their own kind due to bowing to the Empire, and are still discriminated against by the Romus Humans and Imperial Species. As such they often form their own communities in which they stay together. Being that the New Roman Empire was originally inspired by the Roman Empire, the New Roman Empire carries with it a lot of the culture. Architecture is heavily inspired by the Romans and Greeks, although with a few updates to the materials used as well a few unique spins on the styles to make it their own. The Romans also heavily uphold gaining glory in battle, as such soldiers will often fight hard just so they may be able to be remembered well within the history of New Rome. While a idea of honor exists, and the Romans will often avoid hurting citizens or using chemical or biological weapons, they will use them if they feel it is needed to help preserve Rome. Liberty and the idea of the People’s Republic however has been eliminated as it was seen as a failure on the part of the Old Roman Empire, and as such the New Roman Empire can come off as a lot more oppressive. However despite the oppression and general totalitarianism of the Roman Empire, they have some strangely liberal policies, such as allowance of polygamous and homosexual marriages, although is often thought to have risen as a policy due to the tendencies of Emperors to court multiple mistresses. A terrifying part of the New Roman Empire’s policies is there absolute embracement of eugenics, cybernetic modification, and genetic modification despite anything ethics or morals that should be considered with such things. They have fully adopted this, terrifying so with eugenics where any baby detected with serious physical or mental disabilities is either to be aborted, or if the parents are able to afford use of gene therapy to correct it. Linguistically the official language and most often used in the New Roman Empire is latin. However both the Lathians and Solusi usually know Latin as a second language, and when not in a military or government role and speaking to their own kind they will use their language, even in public. However for the conquered Solusi and Iscandarian they are forbidden from speaking their own language in public, and the Roman System forces them to learn latin. As the Iscandarians are ever rebellious public protests will often have them using their own language on signs and in speech. These protest are often put down extremely violently. For religion as a part of the adoption of Roman culture some choose to the adopt the ways of the Roman Gods, referring to them as the Old Gods. They comprise about 34% of the Roman population. However many have chosen instead to adopt a new form of christianity called New Age Catholicism. The religion is a stark contrast to Old-Earth Catholicism and lets off a lot of New Rome’s more morally questionable technology and policies. They comprise 38% of the population. Following that 20% believe in the Church of the Mother, the religion of the Iscandarians. This religion is where the Iscandarians get their ideals of Liberty, mutual cooperation, and peace from. The church is technically outlawed, but that has not prevented it from gaining a massive following. 4% are various sects of the Solusi faith, which chooses Ancestor Worship and various spirits as their main beliefs. The final 4% are agnostic/atheist, or undecided. For individual species the Romus Humans mostly have adopted the Roman ways, as mentioned earlier. However they still carry shades of old Earth culture, mainly from America and Britain as the revolutionaries had been born on planets colonized by those two. The British aspect of the Romus Human culture mainly is centered around a loyalty to the Ruling Monarch, which in the case of the Romans it the Emperor. For the American aspect it is in the belief in ruling representatives which has manifested in the form of the Senate, despite the Senate having no actual power. The Lathians focus on the constant exploration of new ideas and advancement of sciences. For this reason the Lathians were in the middle of a cultural revolution when they were discovered by the Romans, with many unique new styles that were not seen by the Romans before. While one would think this would conflict with the general Authoritarian Regime that is New Rome, the various Lathian artists, writers, and scientists have been allowed to continue their work under Rome so long as their work is not anti-state. The Solusi are very much a warrior race, however they have no honor aspect to their warrior culture, with glory being extremely important. No matter the underhanded methods used glory is gained by the defeat of enemies. The Solusi society also has an unhealthy fixation on the resolving of conflict through combat. Arena battles are common for this reason among the Solusi as a means of resolving disputes. Iscandarians are much more peaceful species, however when angered they can be a threat. In contrast to the other species of the New Roman Empire there core values focus on peace, mutual cooperation, liberty, and populist ideals. A lot of this stems not just as their evolution as a society but from the dominate religion of the Iscandarians known as the Church of the Mother. Due to these conflicting ideals with those that form the central tenets of Roman Rule the Iscandarians are the most rebellious of all of the species. The Forsythe do not have much of a culture to speak off, due to their bug-like nature they had a queen at the top with a Earth ant like caste-system, except with individual Forsythe being able to reproduce. After the end of the brief-war where the Forsythe fell dominion to the New Roman Empire, the Queen was killed with special measures taken to prevent the creation of a new one. This has changed the Forsythe dramatically, and despite their conquered status many Forsythe see the conquest by the Empire as more of a liberation, as it has allowed the Forsythe to evolve much more as a society. However many Forsythe still work towards the creation of a new Queen as rebels, often working with Iscandarian rebels to destroy important Roman points in control of their former worlds. Lusi Natuarum due to their nature do not have any culture or society to speak of, although one could make the argument that their intense loyalty to the Romus Humans and the Emperor is a form of primitive culture displayed by them. [/hider] [hider=Organizations]Are there any large, powerful, or prominent subgroups, political, religious or otherwise within your nation? Tell us about them here![/hider] [hider=History]Describe the history of your nation prior to its transition into the True Vacuum universe.[/hider] [hider=Outlook]Your nation was randomly gobbled up by an undetectable FTL phenomenon and displaced into an entirely new universe surrounded by completely unknown alien powers in a geopolitical landscape you know nothing about. Do you know what happened? Are there any theories flying around about what happened? What has been the general reaction of the public? What do your scientists and military specialists think? Describe in general how the move to the True Vacuum universe has influenced your nation.[/hider] [hider=Technology][/hider] [hider=Military Organization and Structure]Describe the different structures within your military here! Again, you may benefit from using multiple hiders for separate structures. Give a brief summary of your Military hierarchy's structure/arrangement..[/hider] [/hider]