[center] [h3]Choi Soo-jin[/h3] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/18/26/b1/1826b1ddf894661d96baa3d4cdb39286.jpg[/img] [i]"If you thought you were ugly before, You should close that mouth of yours"[/i] Soo-Jin is 5`11 and very slim, she is a Vegetarian. She is South Korean and American, her skin is a fair color with dark brown eyes to match. She is often wearing black, she likes black, not cause its "slimming" she's thin enough. But, because it its a good color on her skin she likes to think. She can be a bit intimidating but she's mostly unaware of it, she can't help the way others perceive her, its up to you to get to know her. She has long brunette hair and side swept bangs, the nape of her hair reaches the mid of her spine while the front of her hair stops to her shoulder blades. She wears make-up an occasional cat eye with mascara, maybe some nude lipstick if she's feeling up to it, she also likes a gray smoky eye and using white eyeliner in her waterline. She likes the effect of big eyes, something she doesn't have. She understands she can look like a rebel, but she indeed is not. She is respectful and nice, sure she can be quite lazy most of the time that doesn't mean she isn't up to the challenge or learning anything. She hates the smell of pork, bacon mostly, its not because she's a vegetarian but mostly because the smell just isn't desirable like most people would assume. _________________________________________________________________ [/center] [b]Codename:[/b] Epsilon [b]House:[/b] The Dragons [b]Grade:[/b] 11th [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Birthday:[/b] March 24 [b]Blood Type:[/b] B+ [b]Nationality:[/b] South Korean/American ___________________ [b]Hobbies:[/b] [list] [*] Doing Make-up [*] Lounging around and teething [*] Writing free style poetry [*] Dancing [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Soo-Jin is a Procrastinator most of the time, the only time she'll actually complete something in her life if its something she enjoys or its level of importance to her life. Even though she is lazy she doesn't let that side of her rule her life, she's ambitious and determined to get things done, she is very persistent and doesn't give up to easily unless she really hates it. One would say she's blunt but a caring person, she isn't good with advice and she'd rather be the ears than the mouth in a friendship, since she can hardly fix her own problems let alone someone else. She can be stubborn, she usually holds her tongue from saying things unless its insulting to her. Her temper is tamed most of the time, but her patience is little, she thinks on her actions but sometimes she likes to just do things on impulse. Besides being a walking train-wreck she is a nice person and she loves people she is close too with all her heart, she isn't that great at expressing her love verbally but you bet she'll show it physically. [b]History:[/b] Soo-Jin Lived in South Korea but was born in California, her father is Korean and her mother is American. Expanding on their lovelife, my Dad is a young man who studied in UCLA college and met my mother who was in her 3rd year of college studying psychology. My dad was studying For International business since he had a dream to create his own pub. But, they dated for a month and made it official in a year, they then stayed boyfriend and girlfriend till they finished college. He proposed and then asked if she'd be willing to move back to Korea with him, she was studying Korean in College so its not like she couldn't but, she was pregnant with me and they stayed in Cali till I was born and after a few months moved back to Korea and I grew up there. SO, more about me now. I was about 12 when I realized I hated anything pork, red meats and some dairy products I hated them too. I never knew why the sudden change in my diet happened really, I use to loove eating meat but, oh well. Anyway, I liked eating uncooked or steamed veggies, the crunch is amazing, seriously. I hadn't realized that my teeth and jaws where getting strong from eating these pretty hard foods and not only that but there would be weird times where I'd break the forks, spoons, chop sticks, and bowls with my mouth whenever I ate or simply drank something from the bowl. It never hurt me and I thought it was pretty sweet, so I kept eating all the raw vegetables I could, because at the time I thought that was the reason to my Enhanced biting, I kept this too myself though, if I broke any eating utensils I'd throw them away or hide them. I was afraid my parents would think I was some type of demon child, or worst my mother would diagnose me with some weird disorder for putting anything in my mouth not for human consumption. So, I decided to tell my dad but then, before I'd do that I wanted to see what exactly I could chomp my way threw. I bit threw doors and walls and even other metals and silver around the house preferably kitchen tools. Thankfully my mother was working when my dad noticed all the teeth marks around the house, that was my way of telling him actually before I came forward and flashed my [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/9/96/Leviathan.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130717003738]mouth[/url] at him. I mean yeah he fainted which was quite funny but after 30 minutes I explained my new found ability and, because my father didn't know how to treat my powers he searched online (because who doesn't love the internet) and found Star Ocean Academy. Since I had two years to get more better with my ability I could pretty much bite through anything, Getting the help I needed from my dad in private. Since he helped with taking me places and buying all sorts of metals and crap for me to try and break. Once I became the age to go to Star Ocean Academy I was sent off, my mother is still unaware of my ability to this day. ___________________ [b]Current Classification:[/b] Star-born [b]Special Ability:[/b] I have Enhanced bite which is an incredibly strong jaw and sharp teeth, I can mask this however with the usual molars and grinders that a normal human being has. I can bite through almost any substance and I've also recently been able to produce venom in my fangs to break down things faster. My teeth are indestructible yet they do need to be taken care of whether its basic brushing and flossing to keep them healthy [b]Imperfection:[/b] Though I can bite through almost anything my teeth are still teeth and can be very sensitive to anything dangerous or harming for my teeth so yes acid and citric acids are a no go for me and possibly anything else that are relatively not good for your mouth. I am still a work in progress with my venom, sometimes when I just wanna eat food the venom ruins it and therefore that starving begins. ___________________ [b]School Clubs:[/b] [list] [*] Book Club [*] Dance Team/Club [*] Gymnastics [/list] [b]Character Relations:[/b] [list] [*] N/a [*] N/a [*] N/a [/list] [b]Other:[/b] Theme:[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G133kjKy91U] Paramore: Now [/url]