Raa nearly jumped out of her suit when the human came up beside her. Immediately her helmet turned and looked at him, partly fearful he would get her shot before she could calm the Turian down. Her eyes studied him warily as he spoke to the female, his tone soft and no weapon in his hand. It made Raa relax some. A mistake she regretted when one of the Cabalist spoke. Everything went sideways almost immediately as when the turian had been about to put down her gun, she whipped up back up and fired. Immediately Raa’s figure dropped. Her arms came up over her head and her figure curled into a crouched down position, protecting herself instinctively. She gave a scream in her fright. In the same instant that the turian shot, RK overloaded the gun, making it useless. Her monitors immediately were checking over Raa’s vitals before the AI realized that it wasn’t the Quarian that was being aimed at but the cabalist. Her head appeared beside Raa and practically glared at the stupid alien for pushing her hand into unleashing overload sooner than planned. Her anger was drawn away she noted an irregular pattern in Raa’s breathing and snapped her head to her charge. Voira turned carefully as the human approached the Turian, ready to throw up a Barrier should the scared civilian. She didn’t relax a bit as the two of them seemed to be getting through to the turian. It would only take a little bit of a push to make her fire the pistol and Voira knew it. She almost, [i]almost[/i] relaxed as she saw the pistol lowering. Then the damn Turian Cabalist had to speak up. Voira’s reaction was instinctive as she saw the pistol snap back up. A barrier put itself around the Quarian’s body, and the pistol went off. As Raa hit the ground with a scream, Voira focused on her as she saw the human moving and the pistol be overloaded, panic and fury surging through her through her body. She forced herself to speak and act calmly, for Raa's sake. The Asari crouched next to Raa, examining the curled ball as best she was able. “Raa, are you hit? Talk to us Raa.” She spoke, barely keeping ahold of the panic that consumed her. She didn’t know where the shakiness had sent the bullet.