"Plan B involves an all-out, brute force attack on Leo's citadel in Shining Field, while as for why I'm putting you all together, it's because most of you are Keybladers, while you yourself, Ms. Lark, are someone who has the potential to manifest a Keyblade in the near future. Like it or not, Keybladers are a precious resource, and concentrating them together helps constitute our hopes. And no, we're not wrong about everyone coming back once Leo is defeated," Michael was using the 'royal we'. Then, Rei just had to approach Tocsax, calling him 'Ascot', figuring out the not-so-subtle secret of the anagram. This caused Tocsax to laugh, before saying: "I'm called Tocsax becauae I was [i]split off[/i] from Ascot, not because I [i]am[/i] Ascot. Tell me, do you know what a Nobody is?" After a few seconds, the boy continued: "A Nobody is made up from the body and soul left behind when a Heartless consumes a person, basically, the leavings of the Heartlesss. Some Nobodies are feral, stupid creatures, no better than the Heartless. But when a particularly strong-willed person is consumed by the Heartless, the Nobody left behind can take a form similar to the original person. Not merely that, but Nobodies start out...emotionless, but gain emotions and Hearts as they grow older." "The Circle, aka the predecessor to the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness, was made up of Nobodies, whose purpose was to provide new bodies for Leo to implant pieces of his Heart in. To do that, they were lied to, told that they could not recreate their hears on their own, and so they needed Kingdom Hearts, an artificial facsmile which can be summoned by killing enough Heartless with a Keyblade." "The truth of the matter was, though, that Leo wanted to use the Kingdom Hearts for the implantation mentioned, and, well, let's just say we found out before it was too late." Tocsax then finished, allowing Emperor Michael to talk again. "Anyway, Tocsax and the members of the Circle rebelled, but were defeated by Leo and the incomplete league of Thirteen Seekers, and only Tocsax escaped with Leo's secrets." the Emperor turned silent. "But in any case, we can now plan the counterattack; should you guys agree to it, you can stay in the Palace for the night, before departing on a special Gummi Cruiser for tomorrow's destination, the world called 'Reign of the Confederacy'. After all, you guys will need to eat, sleep, bathe, and of course, get to know each other as a team, right?" Emperor Michael was anticipating being hospitable... ------ Should they agree, and there was no real reason they shouldn't, the party members would each be guided to their own suite by servants; the ones with Henry and Ursula would also give a crash course on how to use the showers, the air conditioners, and the Television, along with other appliances. Not merely that, but each suite was connected to each other via a central courtyard, which was also linked to a gym and training room. Let's just say that if Emperor Michael wanted the five members of the party to know each other, well, he succeeded.