[color=ec008c]"If you only knew."[/color] Rayne said, now sitting against the wall, hugging her knees to her chest. [color=ec008c]"Truth is, I never wanted any of this. I remember as a child growing up in the orphanage."[/color] She smiled with a tear running down her cheek. [color=ec008c]"A young girl with hopes and dreams of singing her heart out in front of millions, shouting her words back to her in harmony. Just to be made fun of because her words spoke of seeking her one true love."[/color] She then sighed. [color=ec008c]"Then depression came,"[/color] Rayne said, examining old scars from her wrists. [color=ec008c]"After the first cut, I wanted more, not just for the pain, but my unusual interest for blood, the very essence of life, that's where the night terrors came. I was shunned away and even beat by the other orphans and no one cared because of my parents' evil reign of terror. That's why I kill, its the only thing keeping me from suicide attempts. I guess you shun me too then."[/color] Rayne then started to crawling back into the darkness. [color=ec008c]"I'm not gonna bother you anymore. Sleep well."[/color]