Just a quick point...if we are supposed to be the baddest of the bad. And they built a prison specifically for us...why is security really really lax and why are the guards all morons??? :L I mean I like the RP and all, but Surely we wouldn't be allowed to come and go as we please, and decide when we should and shouldn't be locked up. One of the first things we would have is a timetable??? Also, with Lily in the garden, I totally understand guards being pissed off massively at her killing their friends. But if they know she has control over plants and can poison at mere touch (If she is in prison the guards must know her powers) then why would a measly two of them attack her when she is surrounded by plants. And why would they get close enough for her to poison them??? Again, to reiterate, I am enjoying myself so don't take this as me slagging off the RP in any way...I'm just saying, surely the prison has to be slightly...prison like...rather than just a strict summer camp :L