[center][b]West Second[/b] [URL=http://s887.photobucket.com/user/midway499/media/RP%20picture_zpsqoni4wsm.jpg.html][IMG]http://i887.photobucket.com/albums/ac79/midway499/RP%20picture_zpsqoni4wsm.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Age: 21 Personality: West is a difficult child, not in the sense that he causes trouble, rather in the sense that he doesn't seem to do much. He is very internal, preferring his own company to that of others. West has a sort of apathy towards most things and other people, not really ever being interested in much. Whether or not there is anything in the world West is interested remains to be seen, but he is at least good at putting a brave face on and pretending like he's enjoying himself. Short Bio: West was raised by a psychologist Mother, who was always overly protective of her only child. His father was out of the picture from a young age, having left his wife and child in order to pursue his dreams of seeing Pokemon in the wild. Life was reasonably comfortable, they had enough money to see them through and West never really got into any sort of trouble. However, his mother worried about him. She saw through the glazed eyes and fake smiles West employed to remain a 'regular member of society'. In an attempt to get West to participate more in regular life, she decided to create a new life for her son. She found a small plot of land online and bought it in West's name, sending him off into the real world for the first time in an attempt to let him feel something real for once [hider=Pokemon][hider=Cupcakes][URL=http://s887.photobucket.com/user/midway499/media/Cupcakes_zpshv5nmnsl.png.html][IMG]http://i887.photobucket.com/albums/ac79/midway499/Cupcakes_zpshv5nmnsl.png[/IMG][/URL] Cupcakes is a very timid Pokemon,due to her past abandonment. In the very brief amount of time the pair have known one another, she's developed a particularly close bond with West, refusing to let him leave her sight for more than a couple of minutes at a time, become agitated and frightened when he's not around. When the two are together however, she is a bold, carefree Pokemon. Out of the two of them, she is the one more likely to be calling the shots.[/hider][/hider][/center]