Name: Leanna Age: 22 Appearance:[hider=Leanna(ignore the wigglytuff)][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Lydia is an outgoing individual and a bit on the naive side. She puts 100% into anything she does and tries to help anyone she can. She does have a bit of a temper, and it really shows if you wake her up too early or threaten someone she cares about. She's a straight shooter, who believes in saying exactly how it is instead beating around the bush. This is mostly due to growing up with five older brothers who loved to tease their little sister. Shot Bio: Leanna grew up in a small town, in a small house, with a huge family. Her mother and father ran a small bakery and their six children helped them out. Leanna is the youngest and was the most sheltered since she was the only girl. Even though she loved her family, Leanna had always dreamed about what it would be like to set out on her own, make her own mark on the world. Her chance came in the form of a plot of land that fell right into what she could afford, and she never hesitated. Her family had their concerns, but they knew there was no stopping her once she made her mind up. With heartfelt goodbyes and shouts of good luck behind her, Leanna sat off towards her future life. Pokemon: Haku Species: Riolu Appearance:[hider=Haku][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Stoic, protective, and straight laced, Haku is Leanna's constant companion and self appointed bodyguard. They met when she stumbled across an abandoned egg outside her family's shop. No one said anything when she ran into the kitchen, announced she was the eggs new mommy, before running to her room with egg in hand. The egg hatched not too long after that, and the two have been side by side ever since.