"I have not an idea of what any of them words means darlin? Are you okay should we go get your..." He stopped just short of parents when he saw the girl had a blade in her hand. " On second thought miss ninja let's all just..." Suddenly he heard an angry woman shout at him and a pamphlet hit his face. That paper cut really hurt. Charlie might've even scarred, whatever that Nazi woman was packing she meant some business. But she just seem disgruntled by everything so was she really to blame? He held his face in pain and held in a yell. As he bent over his hat fell off to the ground and his scraggly hair was revealed. He wiped his brow quickly and raised two finger guns in the direction of the bossy man and what appeared to be an escaped convict. He looked at the man shouting and said. "Tell me punk do you feel lucky?" as he fired off a laser in the direction of the Nazi woman without looking. Hopefully it hit. He gave the man a piecing stare and kept one finger trained on him.