[center][b][color=007fff]Abel Fulgurate[/color][/b][/center] “Ah, hello Gren,” Abel greeted again, unnecessarily. He gestured back at team KESS, who was now entering the airship. “That was Krysanthe, Ebon, Sepia, and Skyra.” He noticed his teammate pull out his scroll and respond to it. Seriously not wanting to keep the others waiting he pantomimed [i]I'll go now, you grab the next ship[/i], and shrugged, before getting on himself. The ride, though less than ten minutes, seemed like a lot longer to a guardian who was always worried about what he was going to say next. Though never an extremely social person overall, he'd always been better in one-on-one encounters, and not with groups of people unless they were very good friends, like his buddies back home. He found himself, after discovering a tuft of ferret hair wedged in between two plates of his armor, bringing up Shiro's new pet. So far, Scoot had been a fairly popular conversational piece, and it helped that it was something he'd spoken of before. This initiated a general conversation about pets, into which Shiro -after noticing his teammate coincidentally aboard his airship- interjected himself, bringing the magnificent ferret with him. After that, the short ride passed pretty smoothly. Once the airship touched down, the group of six made its way to Drury Lanes. Being the biggest landmass of the group and perhaps the most eager to impress, Abel held the door open for the others. Inside the joint was an atmosphere not often found in these modern times. The floors and walls were all wood, with a light orange-yellow for the floor and darker paneling for walls and furniture. Brilliant red linoleum lined the edge of the tracks, and a big neon sign labeled 'Gr8 Eats' declared the zone where customers could grab some fast food. The place wasn't very busy right now, as it was still early in the evening, and only two other groups were present. One was a couple of old men, lifelong friends by their general demeanor, playing with remarkable skill and joshing one good-naturedly another over the slightest error. The other was a far more...colorful bunch. Among them was a young woman, exceedingly tall for her age, in black and purple leather with a matching cloak and hood. Silvery-gray ears poking from that hood and furry tail advertized her faunus heritage. Near her was a man in bright, garish shades of yellow and orange, including his hair and fox parts. Lastly, there was tall teenager in multicolored striped shirt, a white fauld, and assorted orange and black armor. If he had to guess, Abel would have thought them to be students from Beacon, but he'd never seen them before. Shrugging, he followed the group to one of the bowling terminals. On the way, he spotted a little arcade nestled in one corner of the bowling ally. “Vidja games,” he spoke aloud, thinking of a joke from one of his old friends. Taking a look over the console, he said, “I...I'm not exactly sure how to set this up for a game.” He glanced back at the others, trying to appear casual. “So, ah, what d'you guys want to do? One of the staff might be abel to help us. Or we could get food now, or look at the arcade.”