[color=f7941d][center][h1][u]Fallout: Vault Dwellers[/u][/h1][/center][/color] Here's a simple premise: We're all inhabitants of Vault 72 (non-canon), just going about our daily routines as we always do; just like our parents before us, and their parents before them, and their parents' parents before that and so on. The Vault was assigned no experiment, and its full control has always been in the hands of the Overseers. There's nothing sinister going on, no one is dying, nothing is breaking, no one is trying to massacre everyone. It's just a Vault, and we're the inhabitants. Going about our daily routines as we always do. Until one of the players gets bored of course, and sets things in motion. [hr] [color=f7941d][center][h2][u]Vault 72[/u][/h2][/center][/color] Welcome to Vault 72, where the water tastes like a surgeon's scalpel, and where the air is always steadfastly purified. Allow me to take you for a walk around our facilities. [hider=Caverns] [center][img]http://games.thehawkonline.com/fallout/fallout/maps/vault13-cavern.png[/img][/center] Like many Vaults, Vault 72 is safely tucked away underground. A series of small caverns lead to the front door, and these are considered dangerous areas - occupied by radroaches and other vermin. Very few personnel ever go beyond the door, and those that do, do so only in the most dire of circumstances. To open the door requires written, verbal and recorded permission from the Overseer.[/hider] [hider=Entrance] [center][img]http://games.thehawkonline.com/fallout/fallout/maps/vault13-entrance.png[/img][/center] The entrance to the vault is guarded at all times by security personnel hand picked by the Overseer for their mental stability, and steadfast loyalty to those they have sworn to protect. It is here that the main elevator is located, that leads down to the lower levels.[/hider] [hider=Living Quarters 1, 2 and 3] [center][img]http://games.thehawkonline.com/fallout/fallout/maps/vault13-livingquarters.png[/img][/center] The [b]first three floors[/b] you would come across from the surface, contain Living Quarters 1, 2 and 3. Though compact, each Living Quarters offers an individual (or martial pairing) their very own room for privacy. Although overcrowding has been an issue in the past, the transformation of two storage levels into Living Quarters 2 and 3 has greatly alleviated the problem. All rooms come with ensuite showers, and display monitors hooked up to Vault 72's entertainment and news network! [/hider] [hider=Maintenance Storage Level 4] [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/9/93/Fo2_Vault_8_Living_Quarters.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20090221221015[/img][/center] Initially designated as the original Living Quarters 2 in the Vault's schematics, level 4 has since been reassigned as a storage centre for maintenance and engineering supplies. Power tools, nuts and bolts, cables, welders, angle grinders - this room has it all. Being that much of level 4's inventory could be potentially dangerous if someone were to abuse it, the level is watched constantly by a dedicated section of security personnel. Only engineers, or those with explicit permission from the Overseer, may walk around here freely. Remember, think safety! Think suspect! If you see a shady character walking around this area, alert the nearest Security Officer immediately![/hider] [hider=Leisure Centre, Level 5] [center][img]http://www.nma-fallout.com/fallout3/fo3-vault1.jpg[/img][/center] Bored? Gaining too much weight from all that protein mix? Why not have a crack at Vault 72's very own Leisure Centre? Equipped with gym equipment, playing cards and table tennis paddles, the Leisure Centre is guaranteed to work out that building tension on your shoulders. Don't get carried away now though! Damaging the equipment will create a loss that even our engineers can't replace.[/hider] [hider=Security and Command, Level 6] [center][img]http://games.thehawkonline.com/fallout/fallout/maps/vault13-commandcenter.png[/img][/center] The Vault's nerve centre, and final level. Here the Vault's security personnel sleep, train, and monitor the facility 24/7 via the cameras placed throughout. Fittingly, this is also where the Vault keeps its few weapons, which are guarded closely and require an insane amount of red tape to get hold of - unless a crisis is on going, of course. The Overseer's Office is also on this floor. It is from here, that he or she commands the vault. Control of the facility's various functions, such as water and air purification, is also housed on this level. [/hider] [hr] [color=f7941d][center][h2][u]Important Fluff[/u][/h2][/center][/color] [list][*][h3]The year is 2277.[/h3] [*][h3]Only the Overseer knows where the Vault is actually located. [/h3] [*][h3]There are no problems currently affecting the Vault.[/h3] [*][h3]No one really has a current interest in going anywhere, any time soon.[/h3] [*][h3]There are plenty of NPCs around, making up the rest of Vault 72's inhabitants. Use and abuse at will. [/h3][/list] [hr] [color=f7941d][center][h2][u]Rules![/u][/h2][/center][/color] [list][*][h3]All players have equal control over the plot's direction; let the battle, or non-battle as the case may be, BEGIN![/h3] [*][h3]No arguments, unless they're about how awesome I am.[/h3] [*][h3]Write as much and as little as you want.[/h3] [*][h3]Post whenever you want, but DO NOT let any players you may have interacted with, get stuck on waiting for your reply.[/h3][/list] [hr] [color=f7941d][center][h2][u]Character Sheet[/u][/h2][/center][/color] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Occupation:[/b] Only one Overseer, but he/she is playable. Otherwise, pick anything. Security Officer, Technician, Vermin Control, Cook etc etc [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Your life has been confined to the Vault, I doubt you've got that much to say. [b]Personality:[/b] Brave? Adventurous? Smart? Dumb? Romantic? Cold? All that stuff. [b]Skills:[/b] Guns? Power tools? Computer science? Medicine? ORTHOPAEDICS?