[center]Trunks gathered his attention to the one that belonged to Frieza's race. He (or she. He could never really tell the difference with their kind) was beaten, battered, and bruised. He appeared to be clutching his ribs. "[color=0072bc]Oh, I'm sorry,[/color]" he said. "[color=0072bc]I hadn't noticed you there. I'm sure I have a senzu bean around here somewhere.[/color]" He dug around in his violet-blue Capsule-Corps jacket. Spare change and lint lined the pockets, but he eventually found a senzu bean. Trunks held it up for everyone to see. "[color=0072bc]This is a senzu bean, everyone. We give these to people who have been damaged by battle. They'll rejuvenate you and heal you to the fullest.[/color]" He tossed it to the Frost Demon. "[color=0072bc]They're grown by Korin, up in the Korin Tower. He's a martial arts master, and I hope everyone here has passed his level of training. Otherwise, we have a long way to go.[/color]"[/center]