The Turian cried out in pain as she hit the ground, so much so that it was uncertain if she had even heard Donny's demands. She did let go of the weapon after a few moments, but it seemed only so she could press her hands up against the side of her head. The floor underneath her head was starting to turn blue with her blood, and she was screaming loud enough to be easily heard down the hall. "No, please no! Please don't kill me!" She cried out, her eyes glossed over with tears. Avatar noticed the woman's bleeding, and given the nature of the injury, acknowledged that she could potentially have a concussion. However, it had to prioritize the safety of allied forces, so it instead moved directly to the security terminal to attempt to gain access to the system. As well, they were finally able to move the rest of the non-combatants into the room and lock down the door behind them. The security terminal itself had not been locked or disabled, so accessing it was simple, but when Avatar attempted to access its functions, it found that they had been locked by the primary control center for the station. This was an expected scenario, so it had already been prepared to attempt to bypass the security measure. It had manufactured the base of a virus intended to cut off the local console from the primary control center. From there, it could reboot the console with itself mimicking the master controller, thereby gaining access to the console's functions. All it had to do first was to modify the virus to be compatible with this specific system. Within thirty seconds, however, the sounds of footsteps could be heard in the hallway outside, followed by an attempt to unlock the doors. Avatar had placed the doors into an emergency lockdown state, but they would not remain shut indefinitely. It was highly probable that the hostiles could open them, if not by hacking, by a breaching charge. It drew the rifle from its back, then looked to Creator Raa'Kina. She appeared to be experiencing emotional stress due to the incident with the Turian civilian, but it estimated that RK could perform the task within an acceptable timeframe. "Hostile forces have arrived. My platform will improve the probability of a successful defense, so I recommend Raa and RK attempt to hack the console." Avatar advised as it sent a request for direct digital communication to RK so it could upload the virus for RK's use. Even in the middle of combat, Avatar could also dedicate processing power to aiding RK, which could prove necessary since RK was likely unfamiliar with the architecture of Geth programming.