[i][b][color=9e0b0f]Jin,[/color] [color=f26522]Lao,[/color] [color=a36209]Mikio,[/color] [color=ec008c]Yun,[/color] [color=007236]Fuyuki[/color][/b][/i] Down like spuds! There went the simian and his rodent buddy, both watched through many sympathetic eyes. Likely not sympathy for the monkey, though. [color=9e0b0f]"Yes, really. At a time like this."[/color] Jin supplied the cometary with naught but a glance. A smile never cracked his lips, nor a chuckle or smirk, but everyone knew if he was pulling pranks, Jin was in perfect health. [color=9e0b0f]"Why is Miki the idiot? He didn't push her to the ground, he caught her. More than I can say for you, stripes."[/color] Why did Akemi always get the worst side of Jin? The reptilian child had already stood up onto his feet, to replace himself by Akemi's side. Very close. Closer still when the boy leaned against him, and did his best imitation of a feline's purring-rub. [color=9e0b0f]"I like it when you look at me that way.~"[/color] Come close, Akemi. Allow Jin to hold you exceedingly near to him. [color=9e0b0f]"Here, since I'm such a great guy, you are permitted to share my body warmth. I'm a reptile. Body heat isn't something I give up easy. But. For you."[/color] [color=a36209]"I'm gonna take that as a confession...! He probably devised it so he could cosey up with Akemi!"[/color] The brunette monkey made a terribly injustice-based face at Chiyo. He was soaked too! Why was he getting blamed for this? He only stole things. He didn't have time or energy to waste on finding all those buckets. He got himself back into a kneeling position, but his huffy mood was still very tangible. Why was she sitting next to THAT loser instead of him? Fine. Someone wasn't getting her belongings back when he next took them. At least Lao had the decency to offer Chiyo a slight smile, boyish and masculine, but a little more than on edge. Whatever was going on, it couldn't be good. [color=f26522]"You're looking well, Chiyo."[/color] As well as anyone in her position could look. The air was thick, and full of conflicting emotions, but Lao tried conversation as a way to soothe his own frazzled nerves. The moment they got out of the main house, the happier he suspected they'd all be. [color=f26522]"It's getting a little cold, huh?"[/color] Too bad he didn't have anything interesting to say. 'Such a loud family.' Fen's thoughts were elsewhere. What was this all about? Normally, he'd have the low-down, but he'd been practically boarded into his little room, which would have, on the average day, saw him performing something of a great escape-- but lately, his illness was leaving him feathered and winged. Embarrassing to say the least-- he hated avians. Despised them. The cousin he recognised as their canine spoke to him, something that never ceased to both bother and intrigue him. Rarely did Yasushi say anything Fuyuki deemed important, but, alas, he continued to speak to him? [color=007236]"I will."[/color] It was all he was going to say on the matter. He would get better. He had to, to save his own pride and will to be useful to God once more. His voice was hoarse and his colour pallid, but Fuyuki was sure he'd seen worse. Speak of the devil. [color=9e0b0f]"What's up?"[/color] A few eyes, Mikio and Fuyuki, saw the voice that had announced such a casual greeting. It was Jin, defiant and headstrong as always. There was no malice in Dragons words but... there was no respect, either. Jin refused to make eye contact with Masumi, or his pet Rat. He flicked a few strands of his fringe to the side, slumped across the floor in the most casual arrangement. Fuyuki burst out into a fit of coughing then and there, but Jin continued at his expense. That bird was in no position to speak, not with that voice.[color=9e0b0f] "Yuko and Yun aren't coming. Yuko called you some colourful choice words, and Yun's 'run away' again."[/color] Aka, she'd taken offence to something someone had said, and decided to 'run' away to Miharu's for a few hours until said someone decided they were sorry enough to look for her. It never really worked, but alas, children. [color=9e0b0f]"That's alright though. I'll pass the memo onto her."[/color] Could Masumi feel their conflicting aura's? Mikio and Lao's dread, Fuyuki's annoyance, and Jin's blatant disobedience. It wasn't just Masumi who got this side of him-- his own Father had to put up with the glimmering example that was Jin 24/7. Their household was loud, and at times, viscous. [color=9e0b0f]"Why are we all here? Are we planning New Years? Who's dancing this time?"[/color] Better yet, who was going to bother to show up at the event? New Years was, obviously, a big deal. It wouldn't surprise to find out such events would take months of pre-planning. Surely, it would have been enjoyable, but... Jin felt it celebrated all the wrong things. What was a year of the animal to one person, could very well be a reminder to their cursed Sohma of a bitter existence and past. Particularly with their parents. [color=ec008c]". . ."[/color] Now was her chance. The door all but nudged open, painstakingly slowly, by the pale muzzle of something small and four-legged. A white, black horned creature blurred by, rather pointedly, towards Chiyo-- only to be stopped by the annoyed palm of their horse. [color=f26522]"Yun, stop gunning for her."[/color] A little woolly assassin was what bleated and butted into the equine's hand. It angrily jumped backwards and trotted off-- making it a point to avoid their dog, because she hated canine's so-- to plop down at the side-lines. Looks like Yun had come back from her running away, a rather eventful one, but the looks of it. Baa!