After a moment jack flipped the food over so the other side would cook"hey man,we were all newbs at once,and I fact if haven't even been playing Sao for 4 days,this is my third day playing I dived in to Sao each day for a while and all I've been doing is tackling boars and selling the tusks which accumulate to a good price,5 tusks can get you 75 gold,it's actually a good way to make some gold"jack opened his inventory and showed Jason the gold he has earned,he started off with no gold from playing and after a couple of days,with out spending anything he has earned a total of 975 gold"who would've thought that boar tusks can sell for so much in major amounts?"jack said in a humorous way,now smelling the boar meat"man that smells good,it's a good thing I ate pizza before jumping in other wise I would've went into the real world by now" jack said as waited patiently for the food to finish,any minute now....