News: [@Grisette] has been accepted, placed on the map, and added to the OP. [@Isotope] has been accepted, placed on the map, and added to the OP. [@Mihndar], your map coordinates have been fixed. All related coordinates have been added and updated. [@Darkspleen] and [@duck55223], continue working on your nation sheets and make sure to inform me once they're ready for approval. I still need to update the approved lists so that links are provided directly to nation sheets in the character tab, at the moment that's a secondary concern due to a stack of busywork that's been piling up on my end of the line. However, I've cleared away time in my schedule to work here specifically during the Weekend. Things you can expected this upcoming Saturday include: LINKS TO THE NATION SHEETS IN THE APPROVED USERS LIST! YAY! My next post (finally)! I'll also be poking other approved players to ensure they're still interested and working on posts of their own.