[img]http://www.meet-date-marry.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/anime-attracted-men.jpg[/img] Welcome to Shine City, where young interesting people in their teens, 20s and 30s come to explore life and chase dreams. You are in the big city, the fountain of youth, the big city of energy romance and desire, please enjoy your stay. I will be your tour guide to make sure you enjoy your stay, first let me show you to the town centre, its know by its official road name of [b]Shine Junction[/b] [hider=Shine Junction][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5CJb5Q40160/UbcPy3dj1JI/AAAAAAAAA64/k-4P9rpmT5A/s1600/City+Anime+Landscape+46.png[/img][/hider] Here you will find a lot of the high end boutiques and clothing stores, there is a theatre, a few music venues and of course the shine city arcade! At night this place lights up and this becomes an amazing place to take a date for a drink in one of the penthouse bars on the skyscrapers dotted throughout the centre. Or maybe take your date to one of the 14 restaurants each with a different cultural style for that exotic variety! Everybody who's anybody can be seen in Shine Junction from time to time.But hang around here too much and you may become over-exposed, a little mystery and privacy goes a long way in the dating world ;) Now for all of you slightly younger go getters out here, or maybe those just trying to add to their skill set later on in life, you will already be familiar with the [b]Shine City Academy[/b] [hider=Shine City Academy][img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/115/e/7/clannad_anime_school_clean_by_night_wolf23-d3eu3mh.jpg[/img][/hider] Although most students here are between the ages of 16-22 there is good number of older students here looking to further their career with extra qualifications, this academy boasts a massive campus which holds a lot of dorm rooms, and a huge university sports field as well. Although this is a place of study do not heistate to come here for a spot of after school socialising! I recommend the cafeteria, the food there is excellent, what a surprise! After all that it would make sense to take it easy for a little while and get some fresh air so why don't you check out the [b]Shiny Park[/b]? [hider=Shiny Park][img]https://hdwallpapers.cat/wallpaper_mirror/fountain_park_road_scenery_anime_beauty_sky_hd-wallpaper-1529159.jpg[/img][/hider] You may want to take your puppy for a walk around here, pets are the best conversation starter and you may even get some exercise chasing after Mr/Ms Right! I'll catch you there for ultimate frisbee! This is also a great place for a picnic, and time to pull out the guitar when nobody is expecting it. [hider=Club LUSH][img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/99/7b/83/997b83d1fcafeb612033a1babebcf156.jpg[/img][/hider] Ahh 21 and over only I'm afraid, this is the biggest club in the city, and is frequented by whoever is somebody in Shine County! Sadly on a busy night, its hard to get in unless you know someone from the upper echelon of high society. It has the best nightcore and hardcore happy house in the world and the dance floor is always packed out. The Bouncers have kept an eye out for students from [b]Shine City Academy[/b] who probably shouldn't be there! ******************************************************************************************************