Ralia, or Brielle off screen, was enjoying walking around the town square. She had never experienced a video game that was so immersive. It was incredible! It had taken her months to save enough for this game and she intended to enjoy it to the fullest. She looked at all the shops of items even though she had no gold yet to purchase any of them. She admired her own armor of a lovely indigo chest piece, skirt and cape. She could not wait to start conpleting quests and getting stronger. She was a Mage and was also eager to learn spells, especially healing. She admired the staff that she was granted that matched with her armor and had a small curved metal piece on the end. She had already received a few group invites, mostly from guys but a couple girls as well. However she had declined them all. She wanted to get a feel for the game on her own before she began cooperating with other players. She wanted to be free to explore the world as she wished. And she intended to explore every inch of it. When the bell chimed she was standing by a fountain in the square. She observed the man with the cane and top hat. He seemed odd to her, as if something was off about him. She got a bad feeling about this. The more he explained the game the paler Ralia became. She felt her hands shaking and gripped her mages staff to steady them. She could feel the panic and unrest seeping through the crowd as the man's speech went on. As soon as he finished speaking the crowd erupted in fear and outrage. She turned and bolted out of the town. She kept running until she was in the forest outside of town. She leaned against a tree, breathing heavily. She slid down to the ground resting her head on her knees trying to focus. "You need to focus, you need to calm down," she muttered to herself.