Cool. I'll start working on that character as well. Till then, here is my first character submission. [hider='Sophie'][center] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Zshonzee Chal'vok Bradzevon, nicknamed herself 'Sophie' when she settled on Tyra. [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] At 5'11" in height, Sophie is considered slightly shorter than your average Vannertha. [b]Species:[/b] Vannertal [b] Rank/Specialism:[/b] Chief Engineer [b]Skills:[/b] No formal education but has a strong understanding of spacecraft and their inner workings. Able to adapt repairs or functions of ship equipment when needed. [b]Personality:[/b] Sophie is a common Vannertal; unsurprisingly sociable and hardworking. She takes her duty seriously but tends to make a joke in most situations. Sophie will usually try to be positive in difficult situations, believing a solution can be found or made. If trapped and powerless, however, she may react out of fear. [b]Bio:[/b] Born on a spacecraft by loving parents during their years outside of Yamathray, Zshonzee was one of a growing number of Vannertal who were born outside of their home system. Her father was a planetoid researcher while her mother was a member of security aboard the ship. Zshonzee spent over 20 years of her life on that ship, taking up an interest in mechanics and learning what she can from one of the engineering crew. At the age of 22, a pirate attack ended up in the capture of the vessel, along with it's crew. Those that lacked any kind of skill or value were executed on the spot, her father being one of them. Those that remained were sold to slavers, Zshonzee and her mother included. Within a month, the slavers sold Zshonzee to another group of pirates for her engineering knowledge, separating her from her mother. During her time as a slave, Zshonzee learnt the cruelty that humans can possess; seeing settlements demolished for their loot, people being killed for sport and how quickly betrayal was used. For the sake of her own survival, she complied with her masters' orders as best she can. She kept the ship running in spite of the lack of tools, the occasional change of leadership and constant scorn and abuse she experienced. After 9 years of this, the pirate ship was boarded by the Tyran Space Guard and Zshonzee was finally freed. With no-where to go after the rescue, she managed to find a place of work at a local Tyra shipyard and helped with the repair of damaged ships. It was at this time she started to call herself Sophie, to make her name easier to remember for her co-workers. Due to her experience as a slave, Sophie excelled in repairing vessels when it was deemed too difficult or even impossible. She quickly gained higher positions in management and helped with constructing ships as well. After 5 years of hard work, she was offered a Chief Engineer spot upon a newly crafted ship, that she helped make. She willingly accepted, eager to see more of the galaxy. [b]Other:[/b] Though she has never seen her home system, she has a loyalty to it and her people. Also, she tries to hide the fact she was in fact a slave only a few years ago, feeling a sense of shame from it and wanting to forget the memories. [/center][/hider]