Dimitri's face remained a blank slate as he absorbed all of this new information. The android made no attempt to argue with the female who'd made a comment about how he'd chosen to react to the situation, nor did he bother to see to the as of yet unknown species of alien's injuries. The latter received a brief curious glance, as did the creature that looked to be the same race as King Piccolo, but nothing more. Personally speaking Dimitri didn't particularly care for the salvation of time lines that were not his own, however he was quite literally designed to protect his own planet. If there was someone messing about with the time stream then it would only be a matter of time before his own home would be brought into the crosshairs of the culprits. "[color=00a99d]I suppose that your explanation will suffice. I will ignore the fact that you have abducted me, for now. [/color]" He stated flatly as he mulled over everything else that had been said. Dimitri half listened as a few of the others went about with their introductions as he focused on one word in particular that Trunks had spoken earlier: Shenron. Dimitri's data banks had record of Shenron the eternal dragon and the dragon balls, however in his timeline the dragon balls had become inert some time after Piccolo jr was killed. This presented quite an opportunity for the Red Ribbon Army. If Dimitri could just get hold of the dragon balls here or even some from the alternate timelines, then who knew how powerful the Red Ribbon Army could become! Saddled with two solid reasons to actually cooperate for the time being, Dimitri tuned back into the conversation and patiently waited for the large green alien to finish speaking before he stepped forward and stood at parade rest, his dog tags clinked softly on his chest from the movement "[color=00a99d]I am designated as Android model thirty seven of the Red Ribbon Army. You may address me either as this or as Dimitri Silvera, it does not matter to me. Prior to being brought here I was pursuing the two defected models labeled as androids seventeen and eighteen who have been slated for termination.[/color]".