[@OfficerHeadbutt] So... disregarding length, this song isn't half bad. Not entirely like the other song I reviewed, this carries a strong late nineties vibe which I like. There were times where it teetered on the verge of going what I could have imagined as somewhere in the realm of Screamo or similar but it never really did. It kept it's theme throughout with an easy to follow melody, good transitions between them and a strong ending. Stronger vocals or maybe just a little emphasis on base might have helped it out but regardless, overall good track. Giving it a solid eight only because I've since moved on from this kind of music long ago and hearing it, although bringing me a smile, gives me the urge to eventually stop listening and find something else more enjoyable. [b]8/10[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPo7iNKoCGQ[/youtube]